
Can we please just finally recognize that the US has a Nazi / white nationalist terrorism / fascism problem? From Congress and the Supreme Court and former presidents all the way down?

We really need to break the cycle of stochastic terrorism and fascism in the US. The problem is, part of doing that means actually having consequences for the folks pointing the fingers - your Tucker Carlsons, your Alex Joneses, your Lindsay Grahams, and your Donald Trumps, and all their goddamned toadies and allies.

I don’t just complete her questline because I’m a lesbian.
I mean, I am a lesbian, but that’s not why I do it.


Ranni’s is the only “good” ending.

It’d help if Mindy weren’t a bigot (“extra transphobia, please”) and that her hateful nonsense wasn’t showing through in her work. Unfortunately, she is, and it is.

What an absolutely pathetic slap on the wrist.

As long as the punishment for horrific abuse and theft of the people is paying fines, the rich will continue to be above any law.

What an absolutely pathetic slap on the wrist.

The GuliKit Switch joysticks are absolutely plagued with hardware, manufacturing, and QC issues. Several resellers have had to pull stock.

GuliKit has promised a second revision that fixes most of the issues, but they have yet to ship them, and resellers are just including them in the same stock for shipments as the

I was a big fan of Android and even helped write some stuff into AOSP at one point but honestly I eventually gave up on it and switched to iOS, and one of the reasons was that Android’s app and app permissions were so utterly broken and horrible in comparison that I just couldn’t take it anymore.

And yet the Amazon App Store is absolutely garbage. Then again, so is the Android App Store,.

Party affiliation means absolutely nothing if you don’t vote with the party even once.

Besides, as long as he supports the filibuster, something literally invented to continue systemic bigotry, any actual majority less than 60/40 is irrelevant.

Everyone was absolutely swamped with lead exposure in the air for many decades until the early 1980s at the very earliest. Leaded gasoline royally screwed us up.

“We don’t care about identity politics or if you’re gay or whatever, just act like we think you should.”

A gay man that literally acts in all the ways they think a man should act but happens to be gay.


Look, I’m not saying that asking conservatives to be consistent is hopeless, but asking

Or, at best, treated as a punchline/stereotype (and generally predatory).

It’s like saying this is the timeline where the Confederates lost. Sure, they lost the actual pitched war, but they won destroying Reconstruction. They won rewriting the history books. They won wiping Black people back out of government in the South as soon as the North stopped keeping them from killing any Black

I really hate this timeline.

I almost snorted coffee out of my nose.

pass the costs of winterizing on to consumers pretend to winterize and charge customers for it while doing absolutely nothing.

That’s not even touching on how a lot of straight men are afraid that gay or bi men will treat them they way they treat women.

A lot of the time I think they’re either afraid that what little affection they’re “allowed” with other men (outside of the weird man worship that a lot of straight men do) may be construed as gay, or that maybe, just maybe, they may be bi 😅