
As always, there’s an XKCD for this.

He’s an even bigger fan of layoff culture.

Ah yes, quality content like Hogwart’s Legacy, a property made by a bigot who is really cozy with fascists, by a lead dev who is an avowed fascist, and has a storyline that’s basically “let’s hunt the Jewish people but as an analogue”. Hey, you can even play as a “dark wizard” (y’know, the Nazi analogues in the source

It turns out that making games for fun above all else seems to make people like it.

Who knew?

It all being shadows of Amber is...kinda Amber propaganda.

<spoilers spoilers spoilers>

Thanks for trying it out!

We’re always trying to improve it and increase the number of supported systems.

I don’t play a lot of emulated games myself, but I do enjoy working on the project and I know a lot of folks that play emulated games a lot, and we’re just trying to make it as simple and painless as possible on the

Every show that dares to have queer people in it on Netflix seems to get two seasons, max, while bigots running royally fucked up shows and “comedy specials” get drowned in millions upon millions of dollars.

Fuck Netflix.

What Scooby? I didn’t see any Scooby.

That sounds awful in every way.

The same thing all of the right and the “moderates” being in charge always does:

We’re all fucked.

Yeah, I’m glad he’s been standing firm there.

It’s almost like letting rich idiots who failed upward run around and buy up everything on a whim and fire thousands or even millions of people also on a whim or just straight up practically run government is a bad idea or something.

At least this thing looks like it has a far better (if still weird) C-Stick.

I really loved the Wii U Pro Controller. Especially that part where it wasn’t weirdly tied to being plugged into a WiiMote (the WiiMote just being a weird, useless tumor aside from providing the connectivity).

glares at the Wii

Even worse, the little C-Stick...nubbin...on the New! Nintendo 3DS :|

Why, Nintendo, why?!

The weirdest thing for me is the insistence that every Nintendo console ever after the GameCube must have one (and yes I know it’s mostly for Smash, but I don’t get Smash, either). Why is this game series still designed for a controller that should have died before it lived at all (or at least with the console that it

I agree completely on the N64 part!

And the problem with the GameCube controller is all me. I can’t understand people who like it, but I don’t have to.

At worst, I can actually mostly map the GameCube controls onto a much more modern layout controller and use that instead (I just can’t with the triggers and the face

I’ve never been too fond of any controller, but the layout of the GameCube has always been extremely frustrating to me. I’d never owned an N64, I found the controller completely unusable the second I touched one (and I’d already used far better before it), and I’d had access to a PlayStation analog controller long

I get hand cramps just looking at any of the GameCube controller variants, and my hands are not too particularly large in any way.