
My favorite game of theirs is still Chrono Trigger, and I don’t see them making anything nearly as interesting ever again.

Square in the mid to late 90s was also just a very different company.

It is Square Enix, who are happily still trying to push NFT’s as game features and just cancelled like 4 of their new “live service” games in a row. They don’t have a shred of self awareness about how they’re treating FF7, an anti-capitalist eco-terrorism game where their spinoffs are gleefully using “Shinra Bucks!”

Try out EmuDeck!

Is it, though?

I have yet to ever meet someone who didn’t hate it almost as much as the N64 controller.

Don’t you all have phones?

Now if only we could get the world’s “leaders” to actually tackle climate change like they did this,.

In a car?
Streaming only?! (well there goes using it most of the US)
In 2026?!
In this economy?!
With obligatory ads?!


I do work on EmuDeck, and it’s a constant discussion about the ethical problems around using libretro’s...products.

I’ll never forgive them for the horrible things they’ve done and continue to do.

libretro and its asshole lead harassing, threatening, and abusing all of the emulator devs out there also doesn’t help at all.

I’m imagining trying to reason with the absolutely unreasonable even at their best and I just can’t. There’s no point in it.

Easy: remove the only one actually being a threat.

(And if that’s too hard between someone threatening someone else with a firearm and someone else...not doing that, I don’t know what to tell people)

Literally made her career on at least pretending (or being genuinely) ignorant and hateful, so pretty in character.

That’s pretty insulting to Strange Days.

Great. We all should know that already.

Now make ads illegal.

No, really.

Some Peopletook every excuse to be angry with She-Hulk.

Like all conservatives, the free speech was only ever just for him.

What a strange world you must live in.

Dave Chappelle is also a piece of shit.