
Don’t forget his “holy mission” to attack trans children, steal them away from their supportive parents, and make sure they suffer.

No they weren’t.

Why are you like....this?

We should never, ever, forget that lesson.

Khan is one of the least Star Trek like movies there is.

If you want to practice what you say, maybe go after the Islamaphobes (of which there are some here), and not the LGBTQ+ community.

What conservatives and other bigots have done to your community, for many, many years, is abhorrent.

Don’t lump us in with our common enemy. Actually go after the bigots, and STOP.

I’m with you, and I agree with you. On the same level that I am tired of “Autistic Awareness” or “Trans Awareness” et all. Folks are plenty aware of us. The problem is that we’re still dealing with fascists and bigots of all flavors, and they still seek to annihilate us from existence, while throwing the line “well

That you think people simply existing as being LGBTQ+ and not wanting to be harassed and killed for doing so is inherently Islamaphobic says more about you than it does about anything else, including Islam.

Even if it were a choice, what harm does being LGBTQ+ do to literally anyone?

Liar. Your actions speak loudly.

We have the right to not be policed by your religion or deal with hate because you think your religion entitles you to be hateful towards people who aren’t a part of your religion. You’re free to believe whatever you want, but you also have no right to say a damned thing about anyone else’s life. You could just stay

Some “beliefs” / “opinions” are just factually and objectively wrong, and your rights end where harm and/or impeding the bodily autonomy of others begins.

Oh no, only straight / cis people don’t have a choice /s

The people that are adamant that sexuality (or gender identity, for that matter) is a choice make me really curious as to why they think it’s a choice.

This link always earns a star.

You’d think.

I’m not taking disingenuous comments about “who decides who is bigoted against whom” garbage. Go away, you’re not welcome, either.

Padmé’s former lover Clovis Bray

I don’t have social media accounts anymore, but 100% agreed. I never made my accounts public, or findable by my name. I’ve always kept myself as incognito as possible online, and I will never, ever allow an employer (prospective or current), know absolutely anything about my personal life they don’t need to.

Yeah, they’re at least somewhat aware that if every “opinion” and view is tolerated, that hatred and the desire to kill the “other” will always win, because eventually they’ll just consume everything.

Tell that to the “Christians” in the US that are obsessed with the idea that we’re trying to wipe straight (and white) people out (it’s always the same people stuck on “white replacement”). It’s the same kind of nonsense.