
Oh if only it were just Twitter telling me the police were evil, and not the police literally having tried to kill me twice just for existing in their vicinity.

The police do a perfectly good job of telling absolutely everyone who isn’t willfully blind just how abominably awful they are.

That’s not even counting the instances where police get mildly annoyed at someone, so they whip out their less “non”-lethal tasers, and then proceed to taze someone, over and over, sometimes more than a dozen times, in areas of the body that will almost always result in a cardiac arrest or some other immediately

Right direction, unfortunately, tasers are only a less-lethal weapon. When used correctly. Which the police often do not.

Far too many people genuinely believe that anything less than absolute obedience to even the most egregious demands from monsters the police demands an immediate execution.

It’s truly disturbing.

Could just do neither.

To attack people over petty theft from massive corporations that don’t pay them properly and do everything they can to screw them over, including cutting every benefit they can? When that corporation has insurance that more than compensates them? When you’ll lose your job for doing it anyway, because the company is

Puppy doesn’t care, otherwise they might understand that the police SHOULDN’T BE EXECUTIONERS.


You don’t even need success. We’ve long had it proven to us that those born rich can fail over and over every single thing they do and still just get fed piles of money to keep failing.

Given how CEO compensation largely works, claiming that giving money to their corporations isn’t directly giving money to Bezos and Musk is disingenuous at best. Corporations’ sole purpose is to funnel money into CEO’s bank accounts (their stockholders, of which the CEOs are almost always one of the biggest

New World of Warcraft expansion lets you fund more workplace and sexual abuse, because absolutely nobody got any consequences for being horrifically abusive monsters there. The company got a light slap on the wrist that didn’t even impact their profits for a single day.

I’d love to live in whatever utopian universe

The only person I would hypothetically be sharing my Netflix login with literally cannot afford it.

Netflix won’t see another dime from her if they cut off her ability to use mine, because then she’d have to choose between affording food, rent, and medicine, and being able to have a modicum of entertainment every now

I can take down slaughterspines all day, but a fireclaw? Those things are terrifying.

Your inability to comprehend multiple pronouns for the same person is not an excuse to be upset when someone else tries to be more inclusive of someone who has them.

It is now. It wasn’t.

Thanks for clarifying.

There’s a survey the game sends you to that results in the code SKYSAGA which unlocks Snap Wexley (the game says TEMMIN WEXLEY, the site says Snap).

Can we not, with the slideshows?

Even Sam the Eagle wouldn’t go to CPAC, anyway,

Not even a little, and the thing is, they wouldn’t.

You might think being thrown thousands of years into the future