
You use an awful lot of TERF terms and talking points, by the way. You might want to get that checked.

1. It’s not contradictory except in the false dichotomy you’ve constructed.
2. Just because non-binary folks exist outside of the boundaries of the current binary system does not mean that men and women can’t or don’t exist in it. Many non-binary folks are bi- or multi-gendered in such a way they cross into the

Non-binary folks and the transgender community at large being at war with one another is largely a myth manufactured to make us look bad. There are a few prominent, bigoted, and transmedicalist binary trans folks with big platforms on YouTube that attack non-binary folks out of a mistaken idea that it’ll make them

Oh honey, no.

“People didn’t watch it!”

Actually, many of us did, and it’s still trash. (Not that we should have to watch something to determine that it’s harmful to us enough that we should avoid it)

Cue: “You just didn’t understand the context!.” or, “no you didn’t, you’re lying!”

Honey this shit argument is not only tired and

When you have women coming up with various more creative ways to type the word men and Black people having to scramble to do the same with the word white to escape the bots putting out temporary bans for daring to speak about either while white supremacists, neo-Nazis, TERFs, etc, get to say whatever they want with

Oh yeah, just say something even slightly less than praise for cis men. Just using the word ‘men’ can get you flagged for temporary bans. The bot is great at ‘protecting’ men but pretty much nobody else.

I get blatant death and rape threats and FB ‘moderation’ says ‘not against community guidelines’ 100% of the time. Almost anyone I know who is a woman and/or isn’t straight, cis, or white can tell you FB’s moderation is full of shit.

I’ve had the ‘luxury’ of having been:
Beaten. Shot at. Stabbed. Beaten half to death and left to die in a dumpster, and sexually harassed and nearly raped, because people thought I might be trans and/or gay.

The legislature and governor of the state I live in, and many other besides, the ones who have already passed

Hell, instead of accommodations, we have state governments trying to legislate us out of existence (Texas literally will not stop pulling ‘emergency’ sessions until Abbott has his anti-trans bills in place, on top of all the anti-abortion garbage). We’re not exactly in a fun place right now, and never really have

The sheer glut of negative representation for decades easily overwhelms what tiny little slivers of positive representation we’ve had recently (and only barely positive, at that).

The prevalence of it in the 90s on is part of why it took me over 30 years to come out.

I watched it. The whole thing, despite it making me feel like I needed to throw up.

It’s transphobic trash. It’s also anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and...well. It’s not funny, it’s Chappelle whining, screaming about LGBTQIA+ folks, then trying to cover his ass with a ‘but my dead trans woman friend.’ It’s also part of a

For someone who speaks with such longwinded authority about us, you’ve made it quite clear you don’t actually have a clue of what you’re talking about (or you’re just being a disingenuous asshole about it), and have shown a complete lack of desire or ability to learn anything that doesn’t fit within your absolutely

The ‘F’ in TERF is fake. They’re not feminists, they’re sex essentialists that boil women down to genitals and ability to give birth, and they align with neo-Nazis and the far right in general. They’re happy to let ‘genital inspectors’ molest young girls to ‘make sure’. They’re happy to throw gender non-conforming

Ew. No.

I’ve watched the whole thing. The end is cover your ass bullshit to make himself feel better after having shit on trans women all night. In which he still misgenders his dead friend, treats her and her mother like shit, and doesn’t do a bit of effort to not make himself a complete asshat.

The special is utter garbage.

Well, the more comparisons it (and any other game) gets to Monster Hunter, the less interested I get.

Still have to wait for when we can watch it at home instead of the pandemic infested theaters of rural Texas.

I’m loving this game so far!

I do want to warn folks that there’s some pretty heavy stuff in there that you may need CW/TWs for.

I love Voyager but kind of hate Tom so I hope I like the episode OK.