
Drug companies love treatments. They're so much more infinitely profitable than one off cures.

This seems exactly like most conspiracy nut chatter.....nonsense....

Jodah figured that problem out.

For the swarm.

For some reason I imagine people will continue to be surprised that other animals of the same species as each other are actually more likely to be nice to each other than people will, and conveniently keep forgetting that fact as soon as they resume their humans are superior to everything else mentality.

Thank you! Also, it just reminds me of Minecraft (and I don't even play much) and I live in the US. Seriously. It was 10 years ago. GET OVER IT! Europeans have much worse terrorist attacks far more regularly and they don't obsess over them like the idiots do here.

Of course Santa is real.

The problem wasn't whether or not an elephant would adopt the baby mammoth. The problem with highly intelligent mammals like elephants and dolphins is that they are taught most of their behaviors, down to what to eat and when, etc. Even elephants and cats don't do perfectly if they aren't adopted by a parent of their

I would think from my own personal experience that it is mostly nostalgia. The game was absolutely superb for several years, and the community was what really made it. For the past several years though, the game has been pretty terrible. All that keeps it going is the community spirit that is left, which is a sad,

If you've ever played EverQuest you would know that the abysmal (completely normal) drop rates are closer to 5 seconds after you get there to never, but average around months to get each...

They weren't as bad as they were in some of the original game's movie sequences. I say some because the size seemed to vary.

I was waiting for the redesign with my desired changes, and then the Zelda special edition bundle came out. I'm enjoying my 3DS now although I do have a few gripes with it I'll get over it.

T-Mobile USA uses completely different HSPA bands than everyone else, including Europe, and that was the excuse them not to use the Exynos in the T-Mobile SGSII that was given. Or, rather, a lack of compatibility with the MDM8220 radio chip.

'Why didn't they use the Exynos in the Nexus?'

He's a large part of why that movie was bearable, but yes, it seems like that didn't help his career at all.

<3 Bob Hoskins. It's a shame he hasn't had much more work in the business than what he's had.

That is a flawed example and the page itself provides a way for it to work.

Insert generic comment about Giz writers known for misleading and/or outright fictional article titles designed page clicks here.

When people (including police officers) stop being stupid on average. I'm not saying that there aren't any good or intelligent police officers or that all people are retarded, it's just that the vast majority of the human race is so stupid the average human being is a blubbering moron, much less police officers.

I must admit I thought about asking whether they swarm like locusts/grasshoppers do. If that is the case I can understand but usually when a creature starts to evolve in such a way that it grows larger and larger it's usually due to different ecological pressures than those that start to swarm, but I could be wrong.