
It's cute. Seriously, it looks like a giant grasshopper, it's harmless to people...meh. People will hate it just because it looks different.

What I was trying to get at is that in most cases they don't have to buy new phones or pay early termination fees at all if they don't have to. That's what makes having everyone use the same technology great. It changes the multi-hundred minimum price to switch carriers become effectively free.

2.5 months and counting. Or, if you're in Japan, two weeks.

It's much more difficult to move to another carrier if you have a 'CDMA' phone. In order to switch from Verizon or Sprint to the other you have to either flat out buy a new phone or do some chicanery in order to trick them into thinking you have one of 'their' phones.

That, and there's TONS of money in convincing millions of young women that their freckles are hideous and repulsive and they need tons of makeup to cover them up.

With all the photoshops I usually see, what is with the hate of freckles? Freckles can be beautiful and downright sexy.

soldstatic more than hit the nail on the head. AT&T isn't in the practice of improving themselves or making their customers love them. Customer satisfaction is not at the forefront of their thought process. AT&T's leadership is mostly full of businessmen and lawyers that understand one thing: Consuming other

People are stupid and fearful. Never underestimate what stupid people will do to 'protect' themselves from something they are afraid of...

I suppose Harry had lots of black painted walls to run in front of..

I understand that, and it is fascinating, but I was responding to the fact that the previous commenter noticed something that is becoming more and more true: there are a couple of writers on this site that almost every article they write is associated with a title that either has little or nothing to do with the

I wasn't talking about statistics for the ROMs, I'm talking about how those who make the statistics, graphs what-have-you intentionally leave out phones with excellent or decent update histories and cherry pick all the worst possible examples of the market.

Take drug companies for instance. Drug companies have shown they'd far rather spend capital on drugs like Prozac, Enzyte, Viagra, cold medicines (which do little), etc than they would on actual cures for things like cancers or viruses. Why cure something when you can treat it indefinitely for many times the cost?

Jesus Diaz! Fantastical or downright sensationalist headlines in order to draw readers in to otherwise not as fantastical (but sometimes still worth reading) articles.

People like us see the guts of a phone in a specifications list. Normal people only see the outside of a phone.

Even though the SGSII has been officially slated for an upgrade to ICS, there's one great thing about Android phones. I don't have to rely on the manufacturer for an upgrade! I can find (or make) a ROM of my own with the most up to date OS for most phones on the market. The number of phones that don't get updated at

I never said humans didn't creep me out. They are very strange creatures.

I really, really try to like nature. Then I'm reminded of why I hate large portions of it: parasites. Freaking parasites are the one thing in nature that really just makes me want to burn it all down. I'm a vicious carnivore myself, but parasites give me the heeby-jeebies.

Pretty much what I was thinking the whole time. This was kind of....lame.

That helps too, but that would require people to actually learn how to do something properly and think for themselves for once. Also, Facebook typically makes a habit of 'unexpectedly' changing privacy settings and/or just flat out removing them.

Or, you know, just not have a Facebook page. I know, shocking..