
We wish,.

Jesus makes sensationalists headlines that are difficult to avoid clicking on and lead to articles that often have absolutely nothing to do with the headline or the article outright proves the headline false. However, Jesus successfully gets Gizmodo multitudes of clicks (and therefore ad revenue) because of those very

It all makes sense...

Ms. O'Neil, my record on the record clearly shows that I have no "off the record" record, make a record of that!


Not really, but humans in general are obsessed with the idea that they are somehow special and better than every other living creature, not to mention somehow fundamentally different...

It's the Devastator of elephants...

Am I the only one who still confuses the scene from Dumbo with the scene from Winnie the Pooh? I mean, it's pretty obvious they were built on similar lines..

The idea that getting a PC is absolutely more than buying 6-year-old outdated hardware (360, PS3) is patently absurd. You can get a PC for marginally more (or around the same) and be able to play mostly the same games. Not only that, but it's actually upgradeable over time!

Skyrim is available on the PC. Dark Souls is not. Dark Souls loses.

Because the common human being doesn't actually care about the future. All that they care about is NOW.

Right with you there..

I find it kind of boring, but that's just me.

Good, original games not depending on 20+ year old IP or IP I never cared for (Icarus, Luigi's Mansion) + a system redesign including a second analog control and a bigger battery and I'll be ecstatic.

My friend owns one and I get to play with it from time to time. It is smaller than my DSi, enough to be bothersome (and to have a cruddier battery). Also, while it's supposedly all-powerful in comparison, it barely looks better at all (without 3D).

Welcome to the new thumb-friendly internet :/

Ocarina of Time 3D - Remake

Looks like a great game. Too bad I still won't drop $170 on a device that sorely needed a redesign before it was released, especially not for two interesting games, one of them a remake. Or a region-locked device (that European Zelda 3DS looks gorgeous, but...European region-lock.....), or a device with a single

I <3 you.

In response to the terraforming nonsense, does anyone plan to restart the core of Mars or find a way to rejuvenate its magnetic shielding? Unless you figure that out, the solar wind will rip whatever atmosphere you beef it back up with right back off.