
Those medals sound a LOT like the rings of Oracle of Time and Oracle of Seasons.

It's a bad deal because it is nowhere near free. More like a loan with >100% interest.

This is a Slider. You were talking about sliders.

The Tick approves this comment.

I've already played Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross on my PSP, thanks to CFW and backups of my originals, in the case of CT both the PSX disc and the SNES cartridge, but I'll probably buy them off of the PSN also..

and it's all moot because margarine is still disgusting and sweet cream butter is insanely delicious :D


I have absolutely nothing against them burning Twlight books or boycotting Breaking Dawn. Blaming video games would be going too far though,..

You're not the only one.

Also, Legend of Zelda: Four Swords started being free today for DSi and 3DS.

Hopefully both can come into a happy medium somewhere. While most Western games tend to be superior in graphics and technical power, Japanese games (as you mentioned) tend to be more polished and finished. While developers focus on making a game beautiful to behold they seem to be forgetting to make the game enjoyable

Will buy!

I saw Moses in my NES once. It wasn't that big of a deal and still isn't :P

I saw Moses on my NES once. This isn't that big of a deal.

<3 the Teen Titans cartoon Starfire. terrible. That's not Starfire. That's some ...thing. Excellent article.

Wow....I might actually have to start watching this show. That was awesome!

Back in high school this jerk ran a razor over the copper connectors on my copy of Yellow :( It doesn't work anymore anymore and I eventually gave my GBC to my sister to play.

I STILL play Yellow on my PSP occasionally. It's still a very engaging game and has always been my personal favorite of the entire series.

The Suicune for some reason just makes me go why?