
Gotcha, looks like it starts about 00:29 or so. Doesn't make it less disturbing. The random part nakedness at odd points in time, etc. Interesting concept, but the execution ends up making it somewhat creepy and just....I have no words for it really.

The only reason that resembles Pokemon to me in any way is because you said it did...and it still failed to seem like Pokemon. Anyways, it was so disturbing I couldn't watch more than a dozen or so seconds of it as it was..

I could not possible read that for the sheer amount of ads.

It's always been Mew.

I've pretty much refused to buy any Star Wars edition for the past 15 years (and I'm only 25) because the only editions of the movie I want to see I'm trying to steal from my mother: her original VHS release copies.

Still hate it.

For some reason that graphic brings this to mind (no luck finding a clip):

Just so everyone knows, Lucas is litigation happy on people making anything that might even resemble the handle of a lightsaber (the fact that the original prop was made mostly from a camera flash notwithstanding). Or Droids for that matter :/

I can't find a video of it at this time, but for some reason this article reminds me of the most recent episode of Futurama.

I see an amorphous blob of red.

PlayStation updates are torturous? This is news to me. I'm very sorry that once every 2-4 months or so you might have to let the PS3 update for 5-10 minutes. That is such a terrible, terrible shame.

It was a truly underrated movie.

In my mind, that is and always will be the ONLY Harley Quinn there is.

At least people are smart enough to fear raptors. These guys are worse. Damn compys.

I agree totally with this statement in every way. All of my UMD titles have been ripped and placed onto my memory card for this very reason. I'm simply saying I also want to play those titles on the Vita when it comes out to take advantage of the better screen, but some of my favorite titles were never available on

This is the perfect example of a game I really really loved

I'm not expecting anything in the end, I'm just glad they didn't go the full-on PSP Go route like it looked like they might.

Really hope they don't drop the ball on the UMD to Vita thing like they did with the PSP Go. Not that I can see a way for them to do it successfully but it would be really nice all the same.

All I have to say is: