
Unfortunately I am not knowledgeable in that regard, but here's what I'm reading:

You have something against head cheese?

I don't see where it says how much the treatment costs but the article does mention they charge 8 million baht for training in how to do this...

It's a peripheral inside of a peripheral....

Considering I was a big fan of the original Yu-Gi-Oh card game and show (not the new crud), that actually looks desirable.


Hmmmm Rinoa, Ultimecia, Lilith, not bad.

While I'll be sad to not be able to transfer my UMD library to the PSV (although all of my UMD library is backed up digitally anyways), I think the lack of the battery-draining, loud, irritating, and easily broken UMD media is just fine.

Pee Ess Pee

I didn't want that to end..

Well that makes me happy.

I'm not all that physically attracted to her, but then I've never found women attractive just because of appearance. Some women that most men would give all four limbs to spend five minutes with I don't want to be within 30 miles of. While I've never met Felicia Day she at least seems like the kind of woman that it

"But good lord it's hard to control. Because the 3DS in its native state lacks a second thumbstick, MGSSE3D retreats back to one of the many DS (and original PSP's) attempts at camera control, namely leaving those duties to the face buttons (ABXY)."

I'm so jealous. At her age I was obsessed with archaeology and would have LOVED to dig a real fossil up.

This makes the PSV potentially not releasing in the US until March (6 months), and possibly not being a release title almost unbearable...been looking for a game that looks and feels different lately, this looks like it might be it.

The book was better, but I did love the first movie.

mmmm chicken soup. I'm hungry now...