
I have a black PSP, black DSi, black laptop, black tv, black DVD player, black Wii, black 360, black PS3, etc....I just want a black one.

Asus went bronze/brown with this. It's a lot darker up close and personal.

Yeah it was meant to be a bit hyperbolic..

All this buzz on the internet and no videos or pics? I mean come on, everyone has a smart phone now :/

I've always wondered what these people would do when they finally neuter all the feral cats....and then realize ALL the cats are neutered (not that that would ever realistically occur).

I like the app closing animation/action too, where they 'peel' it off like a sticker. It reminds me a bit of webOS, only maybe even a little cooler.

It looks ugly when static, but when you see it in motion it starts looking pretty cool.

<3 FFI-FFIX on Vita

That laugh is intended to be awkward..

Blaming your personal issues on a vaccine is not the way to go.

I have 2 8GB for a 16 and 2 16GB for a 32. They stay pretty full.

<3 the CR-5400, I have 2.

I would hope the memory gets way cheaper, those prices are absolutely absurd for the low amount of memory.

I can get a 16GB for the price they want for that 4GB.

Can we get a redesign? I think the 3DS is too small as it is anyways.

What's wrong with Windows 7? Granted it doesn't work well on tablets but I don't want it for tablets, it's amazing for a desktop/gaming machine. Windows 8 looks like a pile of bantha poodo so far. Then again, I'm not fond of the Metro UI in general.

These things always gave Max plenty of trouble.

Heck, I'd at least try it out. I mostly threw a picture of it up because I remember there being a lot of nasty press about it at the time.

We'll never know..