
I hated that prototype, I'm glad it never....o...bleh.

Yeah, I realize I was a little harsh when I said that. Some people like it. For me, though, I can't stand it :/

Ah, executive orders. Those things that the president says in public for public relations that have little real power. Although technically the CIA is in the executive branch and he is their boss, that doesn't mean they obeyed. Or that something less public told them to ignore it.

I would be more interested, but I have the SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii AND DS versions of that game. It's getting....tiresome.

Don't get me started with that...

Now that I find strange. It works perfectly here :/

Eh, it works but it was still very frustrating. Unfortunately there were many games that a finger was fairly useless for.


<3 the Trinity series.

aaaaaand millions of PCs have all around better hardware period. Moving on...

Fable 3 and DX:HR for the most part. Haven't decided what to hit next.

Glad to meet a fellow fan.

The Steam version works.

You... you man! Stupid, stupid man!

I'm perfectly willing to drop $250 on the PSV. I already have, actually.

If you look at my comment history I've been pretty negative about the 3DS lately too, like Kotaku.

Actually if they go the route of most of the games being playable on both the PS3 and the Vita with the save transferring between the two I think that would be pretty awesome.

"Super Mario 3D Land, Kid Icarus, Mario Kart 7 not good enough for you?

In a way, you don't really need to say much about it. What can you say? The 3DS had its price cut and it's selling more.

The 3DS, at this point (may not be forever), a disaster. Not a disaster of epic proportions or a complete failure, but a disaster nonetheless.