
The gallery is still very annoying and a good portion of the time the expand button doesn't show up or doesn't work in any browser.

Don't forget the control scheme.

Even better actually...I would love some Final Fantasy on the Vita. Hopefully more games like Crisis Core, which was fairly awesome.


Considering that developers have chosen to stay at a standstill with development technology wise there isn't nearly as hard of a push to go beyond the modern consoles. The 360 and PS3 are 7 or 8 years and many orders of magnitude behind in capability over a modern PC yet developers in general pretty much only half-ass

While they aren't failing as fast or as hard as SEGA did, they are surviving off of a rabid fanbase that is almost as bad as Apple's brainwashed hordes, but slowly dwindling in numbers. For now that fanbase acts as if Nintendo could do no wrong, but it is apparent that Nintendo is slowly losing their appeal with the

The SNES was my last favorite of the non-handhelds by Nintendo and I would applaud them leaving the gimmickry to return to actually making a good gaming experience.

Ah, the 3DS game library. A 'wealth' of unimpressive games or remakes that are worse than the original.

DreamSequence is obsessed with the idea that the touchscreen makes the DS superior for FPS games because the stylus gives you instant headshots. Last time I checked there's a thread on one of the other recent 3DS articles that has them and some other person basically rehashing the same replies over and over again in a

Sorry, too many game developers have proven they can't make games where the camera controls itself intelligently. I want my camera controls, and I want them in a second analog.

Nah, you don't suck. I've never played -any- MGS game.

O don't worry, I have no intention of buying one; not until the 3D part dies, they get more than 2 compelling games for the system (that aren't remakes), and they build the second analog in.

It's a necessity for me. I refused to play any FPS or similar game on the DS or the PSP for this very reason (the touch screen controls on the DS actually made it worse than the PSP in my opinion). The only games I ever found that worked on the DS for me had almost nothing to do with the touch screen....ever. It's a


The touch screen does not a second analog stick replace.

The touch screen does not a second analog stick replace.

Hear hear!

Pokemon B/W were definitely worth it compared to the previous generation (aside from SS/HG, which are awesome simply because they're remakes of awesome games), Golden Sun: Dark Dawn is also worth a look (for that matter, the original two games for the GBA are incredible), and...uh...

Now that I might purchase.

Good point, also true :D