Angelina Lonely

“Mr. Trump, are you playing Pokemon Go?”

When you lie you make baby jesus sad.

A friend of mine in college described a weekend festival she attended by saying everything was harmonious and people were dressed like fairies. There were children and beauty and she figured out the meaning of life. I asked her if she had been shrooming all weekend and she couldn’t believe I guessed correctly.

She plagiarized Michelle Obama and rickrolled the RNC. I’m convinced that her speech writer is a 100% Grade A Troll. And I love them.

I’ll do a post!

I call so much bullshit on this.

Did you accidentally go to a local arts and crafts fair and not the RNC?

Even if it’s the wife of a man YOUR HUSBAND said isn’t American and can’t be president. I am actually dizzy right now.

I want Michelle to hold a press conference and call Melania’s dumb ass out on TV. I want Michelle to demand an apology and call her “Crooked Melania” and discuss how much she lies. AND, I want her to do it in a sleeveless outfit to show off her awesome arms! Of course Michelle won’t because she is more classy and less

Between this and the Trump/Pence logo, I am now convinced that there is a maybe not-so-small group of Republican operatives secretly trying to bring down Trump from the inside.

😦 damn that is cruel and unusual to be subjected to Fox period, let alone through this crap...stay strong!!!! I’d probably have lost my shit reaaaaaally quickly

He’s exercising his right to “open carry”

I used to think I was an avid hate-watcher / reader / etc. but this election has taught me my stomach is WAYYY less steely than I thought it was.

I am unfortunately staying at my parents which means I'm being forced to hear/watch this fucking mess on Fox News. I might just snap at some point.

Mercenaries. You mean mercenaries.

I’m so glad we don’t have cable. I don’t want to even be tempted into hate-watching this dumpster fire.

Ugh giuliani is the worst

Honestly, I'm getting annoyed with people saying both candidates are awful and Clinton is the lesser of two evils. Trump is evil.

Incredulous. And barely able to breathe due to her rage that Hillary is only up by 5+.