Angelina Lonely

See condims are what used to cause mine. No rhyme or reason...

Confused person here. What does ut mean when you specify “identity first” versus “person first” language? I am unfamiliar with the meanings. As a side note I am black and bipolar (medicated for one year so far) and it is so chilling to know how little value is placed on those of us with mental illness. I feel such

Deliriously deciously scary!

Puh-leeze bring back true crime to io9! I totally lived for that shit and it brought a quirky diversity to the site!

Hi I just left a comment a little earlier and sort of belatedly realized that I made a silly error so I came to correct it, only to realize that you deleted the comment. I see you around here a lot, you comment frequently. I’m not really sure why you dismissed my comment since it wasn’t rude or at least it wasn’t

For five million dollars I wouldn’t be couldn’t be bothered to go anywhere else either. But she’s still A-list celebrity so she doesn’t have to worry about having other gigs if she wanted one.

I’m bipolar and just left a similar comment though the article struck me as very very relevant for the bipolar struggle and decision making process to become well. So glad I’m not the only one who saw parallels there!

This is an exceptional essay. Thank you for sharing it with us. I never was a drinker but members of my family are which is what turned me away from it. However, for some reason your discussion of suffering reminds me a lot of my struggle with bipolar disorder. I’m sitting here trying to pinpoint exactly why but a lot


But he wasn’t just an idiot he was a fucking dangerous idiot. We’ll be atoning for his wars for a looong time to come.

Like I’m so mad at myself that I even bothered to comment over there. But like I said that childish bully bullshit they pull on Hillary constantly on the main page is the very same shit that got Bush elected over Gore because the dumb people literally cast votes based on who was cooler to have a beer with. Our country

Feeling very grateful to The Slot for such an insightful critique because I just read a similar story over on the Gawker main page and was so stupid and childishly snarky that I nearly stroked out.

Ohh thank you for this deconstruction that I wasn’t able to express!! I was also beginning to think that I was the only person to appreciate the were monster episode; that one takes some heavy hits around here. I would like to see the writing make the series relevant but this season was just phoned in so I don’t feel

It makese so sad to admit this. I just think that it does not work in 2016, I was disappointed with the whole season, mostly the episodes were just lazy but over and above that somehow the whole premise just seemed stupid. Basically everything you said.

So much lols at the school nurse giant pad part! My mom is the one who gave me giant pads my first period bc she’d had a hysterectomy fairly young and just totally didn’t know that technology had advanced beyond old ass matress size kotex. My aunt came over to celebrate my coming to womanhood-ness and saw how mom was

Oh how i wish i could give you more stars for that comment and gif....lollll

Okay what mystifies me is that even pre-HIV who the fuck would play Russian roulette by having unprotected sex with Charlie Fucking Sheen? Does his dick suddenly cause dementia in men and women? I can’t imagine - like literally cannot - that he’s some super skillful lover but it just seems to me that he must be

This is awesome and I’m super hopeful. In other news when will Pullman release The Book of Dust?

Homeless and bipolar...I hear you, sister.

This isn’t the first time Jez has posted a discussion of this prank and last time I got into a knock down drag out with other commenters for giving Gabby major side eye for basically creating her own fat shaming prank. Shit ain’t funny and why are you playing the jolly fat black lady for white Hollywood’s amusement.