Angelina Lonely

I found this endearing. My mom is nearly 70 and actually very technologically hip for a boomer. But I don’t know what the fuck Pokemon Go is, largely because I was too old for Pokemon so I don’t care. To me, this rang very true. I don’t need Hillary to be anything but what she is: a strong, experienced, intelligent

About the paralysis around do-I-quit-or-do-I-not. You spend so much time worrying about what other people are going to think. What are they going to think of me, how is it going to look, when I’m the only one at this fancy fundraiser/wine tasting/birthday party/whatever with a seltzer instead of a glass of wine in my

If you’re going to act like an old troll at least give me some pizza.

American Ninja Warrior just started. Rachel, can I please provide a live update? Thanks.

k bye

It was fascinating to watch the Bill Cosby narrative shift seamlessly — and almost instantaneously — from “If he’s been doing this for so many years, there would be hundreds of victims, so he can’t possibly be guilty” to “All these accusers prove that women are just jumping on the bandwagon for a payday, so he can’t

Oh, but we have equality now.. Gag. Of course people (usually white dudes, or those aligned) wouldn't even believe it unless they personally witnessed it.

If a guy calls a girl a slut guys have no problem believing him. But if 40 women accuse a guy of being a sexual predator people still don’t believe them.

Because, Clam, they typically tend to demonstrate a complete lack of empathy, compassion, and introspection. You would know this if you followed politics even a bit.

I suspect No. Typically the particular breed of cop who shoots before thinking, or because he is scared of black-superman, never served in the military.

The American police force began in part by simply taking the slave patrollers and giving them a new title. Many of the cop jobs were also given to the Irish, who needed to prove themselves as white enough. So the job itself was never meant to protect and serve all people, it began as a way to keep Black people in line

I do not want to derail the conversation in progress, and I do not want to make it seem as though I have an issue with you personally. But I think as Canadians we need look at our own ugly history with indigenous people and how it has shaped our lack of concern and for those citizens and their communities today to

I get why you might see the connection between veterans having PTSD and being triggered by non-white people.

It’s just blackness. This country was built on the whipped-bloody backs of blacks and very many people here resent the progress the black race has made towards equality.

I understand your want to make sense of this but honestly your question completely flies over the reality and history of being black in America and crash lands into yet another flawed and deeply complicated issue.

Yep. But that didn’t stop Dallas Morning News and multiple other outlets from spreading his pic around like it was a done deal. Turns out he had BEEN DONE turned his weapon in. Wonder if they’ll keep him as the face of cop-killing or find another, more convenient, black man to pin it on.

I don’t doubt that the Dallas shootings will be covered by Jezebel, but this particular article is an almost-live update on Philando Castilo, not an in-depth analysis of the current state of gun violence, racial profiling, and police brutality in America. If it were I do not doubt that the Dallas shootings would be

Cops started this war. If they don’t want to die maybe they shouldn’t kill Black people for no fucking reason. Maybe they should show up and renounce these events. Maybe they should fucking try to understand the communities they’re supposed to protect instead of suppressing them by literally killing them off.

This will be some trying times to those that are woke and care. I refuse to let a camo-clad, semi-automatic wielding cop-killer derail our cause. And, believe you me, that is the point of the tragedy unfolding in Dallas. The intersection of issues surrounding justice, gun laws and their application, the possession and

No one needs guns. No one needs guns. No one needs guns.