Angelina Lonely

All I can picture during la mamma morta is Tom Hanks dying of aids

It’s telling how the woman in her mid-20ies is a homewrecker, while the poor, naive man twice her age and life experience was just an easy mark to exploit and blackmail.


And there’s almost never a payout because men know they can get away with it. Like, where is that sweet rape/DV money I keep hearing about?

You post over 500 times a week, and it’s often degenerates into dismissive, condescending bullshit. My guess is that you don’t like yourself, feel gravely disappointed in how your life has turned out, and have few, if any friends.

I went on a super fancy date with a guy under similar circumstances in San Francisco, except I drank the wine. I asked, somewhere between course eight and nine, what time the last train ran. He said 1 a.m. It was midnight.

Standing outside the very-much-closed train station, he said, “A taxi will cost you at least $50

she refused to drink, several times, even at his prompting

I, too, intervened in a sketchy situation once. A guy was leading a very intoxicated gal out of a bar and she kinda went down on the pavement out front and he was too weird, trying to jolly her along and get her to leave with him even though she could not. I just totally inserted myself in the situation and tried to

We stopped 4 guys from taking a drunken colleague “upstairs for a drink” in a hotel lobby. I was like “where do you think you’re going? I know a gang bang when I see one. (colleagues name) get your ass over here” I barked it really loud, heads turned. And she was drunk off her ass and could hardly walk. So fucking

Because it’s a false sense of security. Putting your drink behind the bar might be safer than leaving it with your male companion, but only marginally.

I was roofied by a bartender when I was 20 years old in NYC (yes I was using a fake ID and for this reason never went to the cops). While well intentioned this is not good advice. IMO the *only* safe thing to do is never let your drink out of your sight or hand. If you have to go to the bathroom finish your drink

There’s was probably some black person(s) somewhere walking around existing that needed to be monitored and stopped. Most important issues first, ya know?

I think it’s fine they shared it on social media. They didn’t include info about the woman herself, or identifying info on the dude even. A lot of us wonder if we should say something or intervene or just let things go when we see them. It’s good be reminded that a) even your best friend might do this, b) it’s worth

I love when women watch out for other women

I think perhaps the most depressing thing about this is how many comparatively random women present had their own stories. This is part of why I think the number of women who have been sexually assaulted at some point in their lifetime is much higher than more conservative estimates like to place that figure. Men seem

As a 50 year old Aussie, what I find the most hilarious is that what you Americans consider far left extremists is pretty much the mainstream in most of the rest of the western world.

Agreed. I usually hear it spouted by people who had no head when they were 20, and never decided to get one.

“If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re 40, you have no head.”

So, you were right wing because your boyfriend was? And it’s hard playing catch up as an 18 year old voter? Really?

My best friend and college roommate for three years is a conservative, and was a member of the college Republicans. He was (and is) an exemplary conservative and one whom I wish the party was full of.