Angelina Lonely

It’s not overly interesting. I had a friend who hadn’t come out to his parents (he was rightfully worried they’d stop paying his tuition) but he felt like they were on to him so he asked me to beard for him when they visited for a couple days. We went out to dinner with them and just held hands and kissed once or

SO FAKE. Does this make me a Gwake truther?

WHY? Why pretend? They’re not cute together and the money cant be that fucking good to keep up this nonsense.

Bran is going to end up being the Forrest Gump of Westeros.

There are like 12 different Brans in the timeline of the Starks - what if he is ALL of them!?!

I am consistently amazed with the number of people more upset over the death of a CGI direwolf that we barely ever see than the incredibly tragic sacrifice/orgin story of Hordor

My wife stopped watching after Lady, was killed. Not the Hound killing a kid, Ned Stark’s beheading, or the Red Wedding. But Lady getting it and she was done.

What happened to Hodor was basically a magical feedback loop. Bran warged into adult Hodor while also looking at young Hodor, so the command “Hold the door” bled through and shattered Hodor’s mind pretty much. He’s basically been living this moment of terror his entire life, that’s why he curls up at the sight of

I’m genuinely heartbroken and simultaneously floored by the tragedy and mastery of the Hodor scene. First, kudos to Benioff and Weiss for teasing it well a couple episodes ago—you could tell there was something melancholy about Bran seeing young Hodor before his affliction—maybe it was in the way Hodor’s and Three

Really don’t think it’s in bad taste, because for once the Nazi reference fits the bill.

I don’t think it’s even in bad taste. Putting the holocaust on some kind of “nothing will ever be that bad again” pedestal only serves to ensure that we won’t notice until after something is that bad again because all apt comparisons were considered to be “bad taste”.

I don’t think it was in bad taste at all and I lost quite a few family members to the Holocaust. A lot of Jews hear the same rhetoric from Trump that our forebears heard from Hitler and it scares the shit out of us.

He is pretty much like ‘I couldn’t have raped these women, they are not even really human!’ Yes...THAT IS what a rapist would say.

Always useful when a predator reveals his criteria for potential victims (women with “lifestyles,” meaning they’re black or poor). He’s too much of an ignorant, spoiled little shit to see how obvious his guilt is to everyone else.

Lord knows I loved making people uncomfortable in depositions, when appropriate, but this is kind of over the top. Whether or not she thinks her husband “acted with a lack of integrity” during their marriage isn’t relevant or likely to lead to any admissible evidence. If you’re gonna harass a witness, at least have

I don’t know whether or not I agree with this. Obviously Bill is human garbage, but I’m not sold on Camille.

I truly don’t remember anything about Hillary procuring rape drugs.

This guy is a fucking moron, obviously, but I’m over here fuming about how I have to stare at his disgusting man tits, but you bet your ass they won’t show a woman’s nipple on TV.

Why is he allowed to show his nipples? Man has boobs and he's not trying to breastfeed anyone so I see zero reason why this is ok if it's not ok for me to let my natural God made breasts out.

I know, sometimes you just have to say “this opinion is unpopular because it is horrible and so are you. You are a horrible person who makes bad, selfish choices and that’s why nobody wants to be around you.”