Angelina Lonely

Um this is the comments it’s all about judging what other people do with their bodies.

I want to create a Empire supercut of every time somebody plays a track or plays like three notes on a keyboard and someone else goes “Yeah, I like that. That’s dope.” It happens in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. I love it.

I think there was a way they could have done it that made more sense but, like you said, the episodes were exceptionally weak. I am a huge Darin Morgan fan and the only one that worked for me was Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster because it was a great deconstruction of the difficulty one experiences in taking

the Were-monster episode reminded me why I love the X-Files. Almost everything else reminded me why I stopped watching X-files.

OT (sincere apologies, Kara): am I the only one having loads of trouble connecting to Jezebel, today?

Jesus Christ this is a condescending post. Sinead O’Conner has had 20 years of professional help. For many people mental illness is a life sentence. So your assertion that “it works” is both a lie and a slap in the face to people who aren’t going to ever permanently recover.

This might just be me, but that commercial breaks my heart every time I see it. That dwarf horse is so sad that the other horses won’t accept him, and in the end his owner just enables that instead of getting him into a situation somehow where he’s brought in among animals he wants to socialize with (be it those big

Aside from real crappy writing on most of the 6 episodes, The X-Files no longer works in the 21st Century because it is hard to cast the conspiracy nut as the hero. Back in the day you were rooting for Mulder because all that stuff was on the fringes and seemed more plausible. And not just more plausible...but cool.

The revival was bad. Everyone just phoned that shit in. I dropped off after that goofy episode with the lizard creature thing. X-files dealt with some corny stuff back in the day but managed to take itself seriously. With this go around, Duchovny had a look on his face that said, “This is all stupid, give me my money”.

My first reaction when I saw this headline was “oh God, please no” after that dumpster fire of a revival. I just know Chris Carter is going to insist on pooping all over this new season. ENOUGH ALREADY.

Everyone's on board except the fans.

It wasn’t good either.

The Brown Bunny did one wonderful thing. It provided Roger Ebert with the best review of his life:

Nicole Richie is smarter than her

You seem to be stuck on the idea that child molestation isn’t that big a deal so maybe this won’t make a difference, but here. It didn’t take hours and hours of therapy. Multiple witnesses SAW him behave in a sexually inappropriate way (I fucking dare you to try to explain away him burying his head in that little

He married his adopted daughter AFTER he was fucking her and got caught with nude pics he took of her.

She is not a bad person, she is a stupid person.

I was expecting her to talk about Harriet Tubman not being the ideal person to represent capitalism, and I can understand that...but this...what did she say? I have no idea what she means.