Angelina Lonely

Also, star this comment if you went to Catholic school and still remember how much fucking time you'd be spending in chapel this week.

OOOOH! Let me try!

she got hit by a smooth criminal

I've recently suggested the idea that all of Johnny Depp's roles have been Jump Street assignments.

This all seems like a very reasonable straight-forward analysis that answers the wrong question. The question I want to understand is why so many people developed such a powerful emotional attachment to this character. Why did so many grieve when he died.

Same here. It's always disappointing when you click an interesting sounding link and it's just a posting of a video. It's lazy journalism.

Well yeah . . . that was all obvious. I'm not trying to demean her work but damn this all fairly surface level stuff here. We all knew this was the story of the folly of pride. The writers even took the unnecessary step of spelling it out for anyone who couldn't keep up at the end when Walt says he did it all for

Came here to read a transcript and maybe some of the writer's comments. Won't even bother to watch the video...

Why do you start the video in the middle? It's plenty short enough, and what she's saying after the starting point there is... pretty much what anyone watching the show would've figured out. It's what's BEFORE the embedded starting point that's at least vaguely new.

You win or you die

I agree. I can read a transcript so much faster than watching a video.

Is there a transcript available? I'd very much rather read it.

Boston mobster Whitey Bulger also had an interesting story evading law enforcement over the years. Not sure if he was ever on the FBI's Most Wanted lists or not, but I would think he was.

Ahem. I'll just leave this here...

today is my birthday

She sounds extremely codependent. Like her identity is wrapped up in him. She probably needs professional help. i.e. not Iyanla Vazant.

Iyanla's a fucking mess.

Fun Fact: Don't trust people who don't curse.