Angelina Lonely

Does she have ANY type of management or PR person?

I've thought a lot about what it means to be a not-black fan of this work and of Kendrick. Which speaks volumes of what it's capable of maybe. To me it feels like a much deserved and needed confrontation, and like experiencing an alien culture in a pretty uncomfortable way - being shown very clearly that there's a

True. Pharrell's whole thing before was "I'm a nerd who likes to skate. So are my friends." Banks is one of those assholes who probably tells people they 'act white.' I don't see a problem with being non-threatening. What's wrong with being a nice person who wants other people to like you? I guess Denzel is a sellout.

>gold-digger adjacent

ETA: Missed where you said high school kids. They need homework or they won't be ready for college.

the cat actually was the interviewer and wrote the article and that's just his face now that he's heard everything she's got to say

Yes, I would read it as a call for self segregation. Which, in small doses, isn't necessarily bad.

Once you get into the territory of "our own separate schools, curriculum, religions, holidays, etc" you've lost me. White America has a lot of changes to make and black Americans definitely deserve a fairer share than they get, but I can't support anyone who thinks self-segregation is the answer.

I have no idea who this person is and I'm confused about why this interview was objectionable. I don't get the religious part but I just don't get most religions so that's not unusual. Old guys do have nicer shit, hairy pussies are gorgeous, she's black and unapologetic about it, yay her. And 43 yr olds who date 17 yr

So she wants to return to segregation? Because that sounds a whole lot like segregation.

That's disturbing. She's asking for renewed segregation but for everyone else to pay for the ability to be separate...

I think so. Or at least plotting.

As someone who thinks that the current purpose of Playboy is interviews with famous men where they say undeniably offensive shit, I'm kind of looking forward to this.

Her comment on older guys having nicer things is ... gold-digger adjacent, at the very least. I mean, be into older dudes because they have a different perspective from you, or because they've experienced things you haven't, or because they're more likely to be down-to-earth and drama-free, not because "he has fancy

Yeah that struck me as particularly shallow.

Unshaved bushes are beautiful and I will not ever listen to anything else.

Likely an unshaved bush.

My friends and I used to call this "Hotuntilhetalks."


I won't lie, I do love to look at Brody Jenner... I just wish he wouldn't speak.