Angelina Lonely

where have you been these last almost 8 years? it not a relevant question but it keeps coming up because americans by far are racist and don't even believe the president was born in the united states. -__-

i think its good that the president corrects people that he is a christian and has never practiced islam. people all the time think I'm from the middle east and i correct them that i am mexican and i wouldn't let that slide because because for fucks sake i am not from the middle east. its not that the president is so

As a woman, I have no desire for a Muslim president, but I agree the meltdowns and pant-shitting would be fun to see. It's so ironic that the people who would most love to subjugate women to official second class status and outright criminalize homosexuality in this country are the most anti-Muslim. It seems to me

Obama is the first President that Graham has not met with. Franklin told the press it was Obama's "stance on abortion" which is horseshit. Franklin is a total tool, and is riding on his father's coattails.


I do like that statement. I bet Obama would agree with it 100%. The problem with this issue- and in a large respect, his whole presidency- is that he has to choose his battles extremely carefully, and to make the correct point that a Muslim is just as legally able to run for president as a Christian is not the hill on

Do me next Mr. Graham!

I'd love an openly athiest president, of Islamic decent.

No, actually, it's not. I'm not the President of the United States, but it doesn't matter what position you're in. It would be really fucking annoying to have people constantly saying you are something that you are not, based on their own racism and the idea that "if you're from here, you must be this." He's been very

I want an actual socialist president myself. But I'm ok if he or she also happens to be Muslim.

Don't you understand? "Facts" and "reason" have no place here.

Me too! I'd vote JUST to see them piss themselves. The best would be a gay Muslim.That christian persecution complex would ratchet up & be a million times worse (somehow). Still it'd be pretty funny. They'd probably secede.

Dear Franklin Graham.....

I think the more upsetting point is that this moron associates being Muslim with supporting ISIS. Even if Obama practiced Islam (and frankly, I find it offensive he has been so gung-ho adamant when correcting misperceptions about his religion as though being that religion is a downfall of character), that wouldn't

but felt so powerless to change its treatment of race that he straight left the country.

Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but I kind of find it ishy that she solicited support from her A-list friends? And I mean this as no disrespect against her because I will shamelessly admit that I watched every episode of My Life on the D-List. I just feel like there's something inauthentic about asking people to

She's lying though. She regularly made jokes in her standup about peoples' plastic surgery (and always with the conditional that since she had gotten work it was okay for her to make fun of people for it), she used to frequently refer to 'big fat Oprah' whenever Oprah was having weight problems again. She would

I don't know what to think about this. She usually sucks really hard.

Off topic: my 5 year old niece claimed to have invented the phrase "girl power!" Her mom and I didn't have the heart to tell her that the phrase predates her life by a long time.