Angelina Lonely

If she could prove she was underage, it wouldn't just end the discussion—it would mean that Mr. Wine is going to prison for, not only producing and possessing child pornography, but possibly statutory rape as well (depending on where the tape was filmed).

Did he turn you into a cunning linguist?

I still say that. :(

I need to do this to his mouth. I'm sure he'll let me when we inevitably meet randomly in a coffee shop somewhere, and he slowly takes off his shirt, and . . .

Tom is already basically living the ideal romantic comedy life with me in our London flat. There's no need for him to go out and play act at it when he's experiencing it for real. With me. In our home where we have sex.

I loved him in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. He loved him some Irina. It was sad knowing that he didn't know that she had been shot, dead. Beautiful movie.

It was used against female indentured servants. Out of wedlock pregnancy was illegal. Many women wouldn't name the father, for various reasons I'm sure people can figure out. They weren't allowed to wed while indentured, so if they got pregnant, it was already out of wedlock, so it was doubly illegal. They were

I had this moment where I was like "Psh, what would she know about OITNB?"...and then I remembered. She is one hard ass broad.

Fucks given - 0

Well...Lindy West wrote a few articles when it was announced outraged by the casting. I have a lot of feelings about Mike Tyson, but in short, he's paid his debt for his crimes and if movies or television shows want to cast him in their work, that's their business, but consumers are also free to be upset by the

It's okay though. I remember when this happened to Givens, and a lot of what we heard about her was how "smug" and "awful" and "stuck-up" etc, etc, etc, she was. You know that side of it at least, even if it doesn't for you also carry the subtext of the Uppity Negress.

Have you ever noticed there are never mass protests and marches on behalf of black women brutalized by police or are killed by white people? How many people know the name of Renisha McBride or even really cared about the way she died? Whenever a black man dies at the hands of a cop or a white person, we hear his name,

I've been thinking about this for awhile and this happened to be the post that pushed me to comment. But I was thinking about it and I feel that maybe this was not the right place. A big piece of this article was about domestic violence towards black women and I don't want to gloss over or unintentionally shush that

Ugh his court theatrics and claims of extreme depression, meanwhile he was still going to private parties and bars and nightclubs. The witness accounts of each event describe the same disturbing behavior: drinking a lot, having fun and hitting on blonde women. And he has a new girlfriend, allegedly. A 19 year old,

Because he isn't. In South Africa, you have to prove a danger to society exists to send someone to jail. Why Pistorius clearly has murdered someone, can we argue he is likely to do it again? And in short enough term that therapy, counseling, and possibly some socialization training wouldn't be a better fix?

Why does the article on Gawker say he isn't likely to get jail time? I am so confused.

Wait, because Rhianna is a victim of domestic violence, we aren't interested in her voice or supporting her? I'm fucking way more interested in hearing her sing than listen to whatever garbage Roger Goddell and Ray Rice are going to spew.

At least once every couple of months I fall into the serial killer Wikipedia hole. Each bit of information brings something new to look up! If ever I'm wrongfully accused of any sort of heinous crime, I could probably be convicted on my search history alone.

I propose we change the meaning of the word "Tebowing" from that stupid pose to "failing upward."