Angelina Lonely

I call shenanigans. Dude wears tight pants like ALLTHETIME and I've never noticed a damn thing of interest down there before. And believe me, I PAY ATTENTION TO THESE THINGS.

he needs a sir mix a lot song, replacing the word butt with cock.

I'd heard he had a huge dick, but that goes far beyond anything I could've expected.

My ex's ex before me is someone I loathed until we both had bad working with the same awful person (we work in the same, very small industry, in a small city of course! When we're both from a totally different state!) After bonding over our mutual hatred of said Awful Person, we realized - hey! ExBF was right, we'd

Other things that started with/by John Mayer:

Oh. Well, Jared Leto...isn't that something.

Right? She is like the most passive aggressive bitch in the world! I was willing to shrug off all the kissing and telling, because basically any songwriter does that to some extent, but this is just beyond. Grow some balls, Tay, and settle your scores in person.

Oh Joe, be still my heart! There are really just no words for how much I love that man!

Someone's going to do it...

I agree. Why do people think it's funny in any way? The man gets knocked off his damn mobility scooter and is completely helplessly lying on the ground. Ha ha, right?

I...I just can't believe you wouldn't see how tone deaf it is to post this today.

Yeah, but then the whole tone of the thing reeks of "hey look, fat trashy guy on a Scooter starts yelling! His lady be Crazay!" The article takes a weird, mocking, inappropriate tone that really sweeps the reality of the situation (a man being assaulted by his wife/girlfriend) under the rug. Not OK in my book.

I get your argument. Physically, the assault did not do nearly the damage that Rice did in that elevator, and it isn't wrapped up in an institutional coverup. But this situation becomes close to vehicular assault, too, which is no laughing matter. But there's no avoiding that Jezebel, on the same day as the Ray Rice

Yeah, this makes me very uncomfortable, particularly in light of other newsworthy events of today. Domestic violence comes in all shapes and sizes, and some of the asides in this article really seem to make light of what looks like a very serious situation. This is vehicular assault and possibly attempted murder. I

When I read "scooter" I assumed Vespa, not "medical device". So I'm going to be the wet blanket on this one and say that the answer to "how long until this is hilarious?" should be "never."
Nice to see that the approved/"safe" comments are largely of the mindset that this video is amusing - yay humanity.

On the same day we're all reacting to a horrific video of domestic violence, Jezebel goes and posts this story with this headline, insulting the dignity of a disabled man who was assaulted by his apparent girlfriend and was very nearly run over. What makes this instance of domestic violence any less abhorrent than

Just so everyone is aware, the appropriate response to witnessing a scene like this is to use your phone to call 911, not record it on video.

Domestic violence. Not funny.

"And joining us now is our newest member of the First Take family, we welcome Ray Rice to his permanent home at the debate desk"