Angelina Lonely

If the Iron Islands and everyone ever affiliated with them got torched by a dragon, I'd count it as a serious improvement.

not bad. I'd have to think about it. I loathe Cat, and I don't find her especially interesting. And, FRANKLY... Arya is so stereotypical of fantasy heroines that I find her really boring. Sansa is the most interesting to me. Jon is most interesting when he's up against the ropes.

I don't wholly disagree but he's just so damaged and well, gross. And somehow he seems more gross on tv than he is in the books. If he disappeared while using some exposition to finish up his story I wouldn't be at all upset.

Oh god, the onion knight. Who the hell cares?!

Daenerys simultaneously makes me ragey and bored. I like Tyrion's chapters the best.

Now, if only they also got rid of Stannis. And Jon Snow.

Doesn't matter — nobody is looking at their faces.

Yeah, there's no fucking way lover boy is coming in the bathroom AT ALL if that's going down. The second I realize what it is, I'm hauling ass to the bathroom & turning on a scalding hot shower before even trying to remove it. And I'm locking the door behind me until I've scoured my ladybits with Comet. I may not call

Don't treat your vagina like the alley behind a fast food restaurant.

"Oh. That is worse."

Gross explanation by medical student:

Because black.

OMG. Mike Brown's juvenile record is going to be public knowledge while we still have NO information on Darren Wilson besides what internet sleuths have dug up? Why, once again, is the dead person the one on trial?

Ultimately, The Mindy Project is Kaling's show, and if she doesn't want to tackle the issue, she shouldn't have to. She's the boss. But "abortion is too serious" is a flimsy excuse for such a deliberate dodge of an obvious issue that would face gynecologists, an issue that has been tackled successfully by other half

Maybe it's too serious ... for Mindy Kaling? Maybe she's not ready/able/willing to be the poster girl for all WoC in the media and also receive the kind of flack that's guaranteed to come with such a fraught topic? (Hasn't she also gotten some guff for being less than sensitive about a few other topics? My memory is

I'm just so very glad that we are talking about this problem. That we are being vocal about how it's not right and that we should not have to put up with it.
I was walking home yesterday from the market and some asshole did the "You'd look prettier with a smile" thing to me and I told him he'd be prettier if he just

As a fellow good looking half Jew, I always present Paul Newman (other than myself) as an example of the good-looking-ness capabilities of the chosen people.

I care!!!