Angelina Lonely

Welcome to Jezebel, please take a seat in the haters section. If everyone were truly as "over it" as you are, we wouldn't have to have these conversations again and again.

Well, look at fancy pants here. Doesn't get their medical advice from strippers with misspelled names.

and this is why i say no to anal

It would not have mattered if they had. Unless somebody was very familiar with the story of Sirius Black (and after all, Sirius was not Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's best friend – indeed, they never knew him until after he escaped from Azkaban), Fred and George would be unlikely to know or remember that Peter Pettigrew was

Because the whole movie was about gnosticism. I thought that was obvious, no?

"Hey George!"

I dunno. He said "ergo" a lot so I just took him at his word...

Now playing

To this day, it makes no frakking sense. Why go to all that trouble? Why keep creating/tolerating the One, especially when one of your own programs is trying to use the One to overthrow you? Why even...gah. Now my head hurts again.

Look at all the fucks everyone gives about your opinion:

Keep looking...

These comments ought to be good.


Good thing no one asked you.

"I have to wonder if those parenting classes cover how to obtain childcare if you are living in poverty"

Thanks. I think class also played a part. Working class girls are seen as slutty teenage mothers, if you think that's normal you're not going to investigate abuse. There's a nasty term pramface that is supposed to mean the kind of face you see pushing a pram around a council estate, that kind of snobbery would have

There is a real problem with attitudes to teenage and almost teenage girls, when they are obviously a child abuse is considered a terrible crime but get past a certain height or cup size and people assume that she's old beyond her years and any sexual activity is consensual and weren't women married at that age in the

There, fixed it for you.

Go home, grinchy.

Is her veil embroidery of drawings by her children? GENIUS IDEA IS GENIUS