Angelina Lonely

I'm surprised the NYPD is allowed to confirm an investigation publicly. My extensive Law & Order experience hasn't prepared me for this. Although I'm sure with Benson and Stabler looking into it, the truth will come out.

Nope. She is definitely saying "Fuckin' hell."

In short?

Finally. The earlier hours are unholy evil.

I think it's trying to be a drop waisted flapper inspired dress, but it falls flat. I think the construction of the leather straps doesn't let it move so it looks stiff and sort of barrel-y in the middle. The bust is too small, it can be that revealing but it's just not the right shape for her bust.

More like SMUGshot, right you guys?


Is it possible that people have just become so cynical and fatalistic that when they see somebody who performed a petty crime get killed they think "good" and it has nothing to do with race but just the fact that we've all thrown in the towel?

Now playing

All three Lord of the Rings films are just amazing in the theater. The Mines of Moria, The Siege of Isengard, the Battle of Helm's Deep, the Battles of the Pelennor Fields and Morannon. Just spectacular.

If this is true, I will die of happiness.

The Lyin', the Witch, and the Wardrobe

This is very true. As I recently learned, the USA has dropped bombs on black communities before. LITERAL BOMBS. This is not a new development in any way, shape or form.

police racism is a problem and militarisation is another problem, we can talk about both

Could White people please stop talking about the "militarization" of the police, as if the police just started treating Black people this way 10 years ago when the government started handing this gear out?

I hear a lot of "the police are being attacked" with no evidence to back it up. I read a lot of phantom "Molotov cocktails" with no evidence of fire or explosions in the police lines other than the tear gas grenades and flares being launched into the crowd. I read a lot of "shots fired toward police" with no one

Thank you for this. The horrific, fucked-up aftermath of his suicide has had me looking for the off-ramp to this fucking planet all week. This shit right here.. this shit right here.. this shit right here is the image I needed to remember that all that other crap is ephemeral and insignificant.

Stoned people love crafting. Trust.

Kate Middleton and her mother-in-law, the Queen of England...

I know this:

I havent smoked a cigarette since November. I was a half-a-pack a day smoker.
I gradually tapered off to the point that I am vaping less than 2 ml a day, of 4.5 mg/ml.
My car doesn't smell.
My apartment doesn't smell, and I don't have to go outside.
I have spent far less than on cigarettes.
I have what