Angelina Lonely

SO many comments on this page telling you you're wrong. I'm just here to say that I'm a white woman, and I've definitely noticed that women of color take a lot more shit than white women for being sexual. I think some people don't want to acknowledge that women of color have a more difficult time, like it's somehow

I can't really talk about this because it's built on a fallacy. The idea that's is racism that will prevent her from building a media empire off this, and not the fact that it's VERY atypical.

I wish people would stop calling Kim Kardashian a "business woman," because she is not. She is simply the product that is financed, developed, marketed and sold by actual business people.

That didn't work for Laurence Fishburne's daughter, though, did it?

I'm no fan of hers, but my engagement ring is a pinkish orange sapphire. You get so much more stone for your money.

I'm just kind of surprised that the other parents in the group are ok with it. I mean, I'd work on getting that kid kicked out (he's 2.5, he won't know - it'd be different if he were 6, then they have feelings and stuff).

I don't think I'd take my kid to that playgroup. His son is putting your child at risk. He should be given the boot... Sorry, man, your kid should be isolated because you're reducing the herd immunity and I'm not going to let my children die because you're an idiot.

Well, I'm going to end this here because you and I are not going to agree on this one and I don't see this developing into a meaningful conversation. It's probably better to shut this down before it turns into a thread of name calling (i.e., you outright calling me a misogynist instead of just alluding to it as in

Oooh, you win! Consider us both reprimanded! I bow down to your superiority. I only hope some day I can mature to the level of using the internet to insult strangers based on a single comment they made. Grow up. And maybe read your past comments, hypocrite.

Your mastery of sarcasm is impressive, but let's cool it on the unnecessary outrage over the use of "bitch" in this specific situation. Although I would've gone with "lying asshole who's backpedaling in order to save her reputation from being tarnished any further," let's not try to twist his comment into a sexist

Not only is this complete and utter bullshit, but reading through things she's said in the past also made me unbelievably sad for her son. She describes how autism "steals children's souls and their life" and how when her son got this vaccine "she saw the life leave his eyes" and keeps going on about him like he's

Oh, for fuck's sake.

This is exactly how I read it. "My position is losing me $ & people seem to think I'm a nutjob so I'm going to back off that stance a little bit."

I love your father.

Because the news is starting to report more and more cases of outbreaks of things that we typically get vaccinated for, such as whooping cough. She is getting scared that she will be blamed.

I read this out loud to my father. His response: "That lying bitch!"

My guess: it is, or soon will be, bad for business. The backlash is getting ugly.

I hate her so much. Anytime I see her mentioned, a klaxon goes off in my head like I'm the Bride and I just saw Elle Driver lurking in my hospital room.