Angelina Lonely

I'm really unclear on this whole notion of a thing you chose to do because it felt good at the time being your worst nightmare. I mean, when I was pregnant I would have nightmares that I forgot I was pregnant and got off-my-ass drunk, or (one terrible night) that I was about to give birth and suddenly remembered that

Thank you for articulating the problem I have with what Dunham said. I don't dislike her, and I enjoy her show but it's like she's right on the cusp of understanding issues like this but her insistence on only acknowledging her own perspective/experience is maddening. I think she's smart enough to get it but she just

It also troubles me immensely when someone of a privileged group romanticizes membership in a marginalized group. It usually occurs in those who misguidedly believe that just being black or gay or whatever automatically makes a person different and therefore interesting. And if there was any room for doubt, yes, I'm

Oh, dear. I wouldn't want an actress to think that some people consider her to be of about the same level of importance as a pop star...

I have no idea. I can tell you anecdotally that I'm a recovering bulimic and it didn't trigger me at all. I wouldn't have ever thought of it in conjunction with eating disorders if Jez hadn't made the connection. Vomiting is a secret, hidden thing you do that you don't want anyone to know about - you could easily

I think the most impressive part of the whole thing is her recognition that her opinions might change. Most adults don't have the self-awareness to say "I think this now, but I'm totally OK with the idea that might opinions might change in the future." Way to go little bad-ass Stark girl/boy (that's what my dad calls

my jaw is still on the floor. what the actual fuck?!

Can we let this rumor's like, 20 years old. I thought it was pretty much summed up in his autopsy report that he had VITILIGO. All of his skin treatments were used in order to even out his skin tone due to the extreme changes caused by the disorder. So, Michael is not a good example for whatever point it is

That's true, but this could be an opportunity for Lancome to expand into creating a product that covers everyone. Like when Queen Latifah signed with Cover Girl. I remember back in the day when the only Cover Girl foundation for WOC was tan. Now, they have the Queen Collection and it's actually pretty fab. Which is

Nah, bruh. It doesn't. You are being gross. Please stop doing gross troll shit. You can effectively make a point without resulting to terrible analogies.

Considering Dave's own history, I love that he looked out for Ferguson that way.

I feel like she literally wants to slap him on the wrist with her copy of Reader's Digest.

Contractually, Craig Ferguson has the "right of first refusal." Letterman himself (who owns Ferguson's show) saw to that. Ferguson would need to pass before anyone else could be considered. Why all the wild speculation?

Not for nothing, but Eric Benet called himself a sex addict, after being caught cheating on her. David Justice beat her. As did Christopher Williams, resulting in her being 70% deaf on one side (she wears hearing aids). She has had some shitty experiences.

Now playing

Yay! "Get Me Bodied" is my favorite Beyonce video because it's an homage to Fosse's "Rich Man's Frug."

Well, seeing as the majority Black men she was with abused her, either physically or emotionally, I can only look at her with sad eyes. She's not crazy, she just needs therapy (like so many women in my community) to work out her Black Daddy issues. And I kinda do believe that Gabriel Aubry was racist. Just because

His assholery is unrelenting. Unfortunately he has a huge, unthinking following.

Quit trying to profile women, especially a Black woman as 'crazy'. It buys into crass stereotypes.

I will always love Johnny, no matter what. We all get old, go a bit mainstream, make bad choices.

Word. It's quite a lady-boner-killer to see him in his Midlife Crisis stage.