Angelina Lonely

This is so important, thanks Dodai. It's the intricacies and subtleties of privilege that goes ignored the most. Something as mundane as taking a photograph that accurately represents your most prominent feature can be amazingly polarizing.

"I just couldn't understand how the camera could get us so wrong."

YES. I find his crusty eyes, unkempt beard and filthy fingernails way creepier than the fan's age. At 17 I was already adept at deflecting the attentions of smelly 35-year-old men, and she seems like she's got it down so I ain't worried about her. But I don't care if you're a famous superstar celebrity, WASH YOUR

I can't tell if you're being ironic. Ageism, like racism and sexism, means stereotyping and discriminating against groups or individuals based on their age (which, incidentally, usually is a lot more than Franco's 35). Where do you see stereotyping or discrimination against James Franco due to his age

Are you for fucking real?

Am I incredibly fucked up... or does this picture look hella creepy?

As soon as I heard Seth Rogan say that Franco didn't partake and was a bit of a teetotaler, my entire perception of him changed, and this doesn't surprise me one bit.

Yeah, considering Kim Kardashian has fucked Nick Cannon in the past, I seriously doubt that. I'm sure Mariah has a burn book/collection of voodoo dolls of anyone who has ever even shaken hands with Nick Cannon.

Yeah yeah, Wintour talks a big game BUT she didn't put Kim on a solo cover did she? That is the saving grace in all this.

What's hard to understand that they represent the USA really well, shallow, self centered, money hungry, Vapid just like the States. It's not like they don't have an audience who made them into what they are, just like you all made the duggars happens, the housewifes and so on. They are a commentary on the society.

Yep, yep, yep. I was thinking the same thing. I also said in another post that if she was bullied into it, she'd never admit it.

Kanye DID whine. We all saw it, heard it, read about it, discussed it. And after the endless WHINING that we all saw, heard, read and discussed, he probably wrote a fat check.

Is Anna Wintour fucking kidding us with this? Better yet, is she trolling? I honestly can't tell here.

So, Lupita Nyong'o, who is the freshest new face on the celebrity scene right now with tons of charisma, talent, beauty, and style to spare, gets paid dust by America's fashion bible, while the ultimate fantasy for/of every self-loathing Negro is celebrated with a cover?

Okay well SOMEONE bullied Anna Wintour into it. She was throwing some serious shade for a while (Someone please find all the quotes. They are hilarious). It's hard to believe she just woke up in the morning and was like "OMG! Kim K is stunning and needs a cover." It seems more likely that the idea kept being pushed

Will the wine follow the example of the espresso at Starbucks and taste of burnt sadness?

It's funny that the conspiracy theory with the least amount of belief (Blacks purposefully infected with HIV) a)has to do with people of color but yet b) has the most likelihood to be true based on blacks being purposefully infected with a disease before.

Yeah, I speaking more specifically to the one about HIV and African-Americans. If you know the history of the medical establishment and its relationship with African-Americans, that "conspiracy theory" isn't actually that far fetched and makes sense. I know people, most of whom are highly educated to believe there is

It should also be noted that "medical science" has a long and troubled exploitative relationship with people living at the margins, especially poor people and African-Americans. It (often) has nothing to do with being "stupid," but the knowledge that the medical establishment doesn't have a spot free history of 100%

This I don't have an issue with.