Angelina Lonely

Why is the guy that finishes inside one of these girls the immature loser? It takes two. And from what I've seen, most of these girls are just as big of immature losers as the dudes.

Ah, the perfect face for expressing a wide range of feelings, including:

I'm leaving the only home I've ever known to join a quasi-monastic order of knights;

It means you can't win.

What the hell does "messy tidiness" mean?

I hate people who touch statues. Didn't their parents ever tell them not to touch things?

So does Lessin volunteer her face to create "art" with Terry Richardson's jizz?

I love Terry Richardson so hard!" Lessin told "He is one of my most favoritest people on the planet."

A self-described stage parent not displaying appropriate behavior at a significant life event for her child? Color me shocked.

The most annoying for me was a tie between Jack's beard wig and Claire's pregnancy wig.

You don't commit suicide because your boyfriend, a known philanderer, was cheating on you. You get sad, sure, if that's not something that is acceptable in your relationship, but there have to be bigger things at work for suicide to become the answer. I hate that media outlets are giving him so much power and

Oprah's nothing if not a stone-cold businesswoman

While I can't speak for her, I don't think that Garcia-Navarro is arguing that the two cultures are equally harmful or oppressive to women — more that sexism in Brazilian culture (and American culture for that matter) is more easily overlooked. Brazil having the seventh highest rate of violence against women in the

I feel like the argument here is a lot more nuanced than that.

is it on Netflix? Erm.. where can I catch this streaming?

I never paid her much attention either way until I found out her dad sold her phone call about her mom possibly overdosing (or something...). Imagine a completely vulnerable moment of your life captured, and your own blood sells it for profit...Tragic.

This makes me sadder than I thought it would. The fact that Michael Lohan was there made me for-actually shudder. When she says "That's another amount of money that I don't have", it GOT me. I know that broke and scared feel. Irrespective of the actual situation or who is at fault, that shit pings my empathy button.

No. I used to think so, but now I think she's gonna pull a Keith Richards and live forever while getting progressively more wizened and leathery until she resembles an old boozed-up crackhead Galapagos tortoise.

"I felt betrayed, like I was being bribed."

I know that a lot of people take glee in her struggle, but honestly this is just sad to me.