Angelina Lonely

It does! They are like owning blood diamonds. Neon pink heart-shaped blood diamonds.

"Pandas Never Put Their Eyebrows Down" became our office phrase for years. Someone feeling blue? 'Remember, Pandas Never Put Their Eyebrows Down!'
Someone creates a bad layout? "Pandas Never Put Their Eyebrows Down!'
Here...may I contribute to your album cover art? You know...maybe Lisa Frank was kind of right...Panda sh

I am naming my band Rainbow Gulag and our first album will be called "Pandas Never Put Their Eyebrows Down".

Totally agree. In fact short of the annual Halloween ghost story extravaganza this is the first full Jezebel article I've read start to finish. Fucking fascinating!

I too was confused. How could it be TM2 if TM3 had just been canceled? Apparently edumcation isn't important at MTV.

No, it never sounds like a good idea.

I mean, we could also go the whole comprehensive sex education route along with free contraception and family planning services. It might be better to try the less aggressive route first.

I want to see a picture of this house so bad!

Now playing

Yes, but when is the Lisa Frank documentary coming out?

I've shared my Lisa Frank story before and I'm happy to trot it out again.

Did you check out the "finger of Christ"?

Make that three photos of her on the Internet:

This. Was. Fascinating.

I love work horror stories! Like these that Jezebel called for a couple months back. But throw in coke-fueled adultery, sparkly pandas, and heaps of 90s nostalgia and I'm eagerly devouring every word.

Also, is weirding me out. It's like christian + some weird beach culture

I want more articles like this. To be honest, I was a bit too tired to read all of it, but it seemed well-written, and not all "teehee, I'm snarky!" like Dirtbag/other stuff can be. It's amusing sometimes, but a lot of it is eyeroll-worthy.

This was brilliantly written. Bets on how long until Tracie is headhunted from Jezebel? This was probably one of the best researched and articulated stories I've read on here and that's being said by someone who has been reading Jez since its beginnings.

Holy Fuckballs! This would make a great Lifetime movie.


Window Seat is in permanent rotation in my playlist.

I could listen to the live version of "Tyrone" all day every day for the rest of my life. Also Givenchy makes beautiful clothes (that I could never afford but love to look at on the internet). I only wish Erykah Badu was actually collaborating on the collection. Although, I guess Tisci does say he had her in mind when

Jesus, any other Badu fans holla if you hear me??!!!!