Angelina Lonely

EXACTLY. This a million times.

Yeah Jez is getting worse an worse when it comes to racial issues it seems.

I'm Hispanic and could care less. What bugs me is when people like her and Miley do it cause it's about "look at me I'm so edgy". I love Gwen and it didn't bother me in the least when she came out with Luxurious because she's been into the chola thing forever. She used to wear dickies and wife beaters and even said in

Right? Isn't this getting so old? Thank you for your concern but no, we are not so sensitive about everything. And no, most of us don't identify with / need to protect Chola shit. Does this broad expect Latins, all of us, hailing from a dozen different countries, to go all up in arms? Argentine and Puerto Rican,

As a Latina woman, who has been at it that my whole life, I do not feel offended because cholo culture is not one that I feel represents my people. If she were wearing huipiles, and caites maybe, MAYBE I would feel upset. Chol@s is more East LA, gangster culture. Also my tattoo artist is white, his mother is white

You know, I get the need for brands to re-band — of course she wants something edgy given her age — but for godssakes, that tongue still annoys the shit outta me and I'll never forget it.

And they almost always have a number of recommends, which frankly worries me more than the comments themselves. The number of them that get recommended enough to get into the black never ceases to stun me (although it should, because it happens all the freaking time). I used to just ignore them, but fuck that shit.

I'm too exhausted by this crap to write a whole, lengthy post, but all I can say is I'm right there with you. I am sick to fucking death of people constantly trying to pretend that anti-Semitism is over, that it's no longer a problem, that Jews should just "get over it, already," and on and on and on. I'm tired of

Oh I definitely think that you can have white privilege and be Jewish (while at the same time you can experience anti-semitism once people find out you are Jewish. It's a weird place to be, privilege in some ways and in other ways not). But I also think the idea that the only people who are Jewish are white is

I'm half-Persian. I can assure you that in a room of WASPs, I don't blend in.

Oh damn, I forgot about the age old "you killed Jesus" comment. That has been said to me several times too. It's always the people who make these comments that also tend to forget that, wait for, Jesus was Jewish. I know, shocking right? UGH. PEOPLE.

She's always been extremely unstable, but I think the real turning point came after her girlfriend Casey Johnson died. I remember seeing a bunch of pap videos where she would come out of her house and suddenly start rambling to the photographers about really weird shit. I suggest that we file this under "Amanda

This sounds like a real mental illness, not OMG GIRL LOL. I hope she gets some help.

Hasn't she had a series of psychiatric crises? This sounds like some next-level paranoia. Very, very sad.

Yeah, I get that it was meant to be a Hobbit reference, but it still doesn't make any sense. What does it even mean for a mountain to be wreathed in memories? And if it is wreathed in memories, why would they be memories of a dwarf diaspora, since the diaspora thing happened (by definition) after the dwarves left the

The mountain/fog/dwarf diaspora was a reference to The Hobbit. He was calling her Smaug (the dragon that hordes gold, as dragons are wont to do). The mountain Smaug occupies had been home to dwarves prior to the entire race being scattered throughout the land (kinda sorda like a diaspora).

And it's probably the origin of the cruciatus curse, as demonstrated by one Professor Severus Snape.

Few things are more nerve-rattling for a young man than preparing to propose, but having been grilled regarding when I'd pop the question by Matt Lauer on "Today" brings this fear to a whole new level.

How long has it taken her to make these sandwiches now? 300 sandwiches is hardly a big number, but she's still a third of the way to go?