Angelina Lonely

And yet two posts below this one is some hipster-ironic-nonsense post salivating over R.Kelly's new "opus." The same R.Kelly who is a known molester of Black girls, because, honestly, nothing deserves the hipster-ironic treatment like the known molester of Black girls, AMIRITE?!

I can't stand her. Partly because of how much Jezy obsesses over her. We get it, she tries to do the quirky badass thing. But no, she will never be my friend. I'm not even sure I ever want to be in the same room as her, stop trying to convince me otherwise.

Yeah... a little bit of celebrity chatter never killed anybody... but I'm kind of... a grown-ass woman?

I love Jennifer Lawrence. I think she is a phenomenally talented actress and Winter's Bone is one of my favorite movies of all time. But of late there has been a lot of "JLaw Imaginary BFF talk" on all the celebrity websites that I take issue with because it feeds into this notion that we can't simply enjoy a female

Seriously. I have nothing against Jennifer Lawrence but I also don't see why she should be my imaginary best friend. Also, stop telling me who my BFF is. Also, stop saying BFF! Christ almighty, we're not 12 years old here.

Jez's obsession with Jennifer Lawrence is becoming a bit creepy and really eye roll inducing. At this point I think perhaps Jez should launch another site devoted to articles about her and Kate Middleton's hair.

"This community has suffered a great deal,"

It obscures views of St. Basil's Cathedral and the Kremlin towers and may inconvenience Muscovites and tourists alike, Sidyakin said, noting that such advertising isn't allowed at a Unesco World Heritage site.

So handsome. He reminds me of Adrien Brody.

Logan's well-publicized and less-then-tidy intimate relationships with a reporter from a rival network and also with a married corporate propagandist/contractor, makes her look like a women with a penchant for shitting where she eats. That's not a great habit when your career depends on your personal credibility.

Just one more case of the completely different standards for criticism of these two presidents.

Jane Austen! No, no, no. Her Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing, when Kenneth Branagh was her Benedict (and they were still married in real life) is my dream thing for her to read me. Literally just their lines.

I guess she didn't look enough like Beyonce.

she got all that surgery waaaaaay before kanye

I had a dream about Angelina Jolie last night. It was so random. I was on a movie crew and she befriended me. I was so excited, but mainly because she was going to introduce me to James McAvoy! My husband, in the dream, was a little sad about that fact because he thought James and I were going to run away with each

Most of this is, yes, absolute bullshit and even the one thing that deserves more attention is put in the sleaziest of ways, but yes, her having an affair with a mercenary involved in an invasion she's covering is questionable journalistic ethics.

I get it. I see where you're going here. No need to bring in what we usually have to wade through regarding stories about women: boobs, hair, makeup, sexiness, who their husband is, etc. This is a story without mentioning that she was a swimsuit model. Modern people with eyeballs can see she is conventionally

I, in no way, said that they didn't have the right to complain about sexual harassment. I think I made that pretty clear. When I say, "that interesting" it's because it seems to be hypocritical. They don't just work for the government responsible for these acts, but the actual department. I don't want to see sexual

@Adah: Unfortunately, "non-Islamic dress" is a rather vague term. Most non-Muslim don't actually know what dress codes are required for Muslim men and women.

I'm sorry, but as someone who goes to Egypt every 1-2 years and is of Egyptian heritage, you're going to have to explain to me how it's fairly common to see men who masturbate in public. I have full use of my eyes, and I have never seen this...if it was common I think I would have.