
With all due respect to her self harm issues . . .this asshole here.

“You blew it, ladies”

All I have to say is Ugh Roseville

This is a struggle. The elite 8 of hate. *cries in Black* “

My brother who is Black is an Eagle Scout. He said fuck this shit.

I got 5 on it!

Got fucking damnit. Don’t you dare make me empathize with Sanders!

Shit gatdamn, well said!

OSS!! Spicy just resigned!!!

Tonight is going to be grand. Pregaming at the bar, fancy ass theatre where the seat recline and folks bring drinks and appetizers. Also the Ankh-Right is mad about this movie because weave, drinking sex and vacations! I shall mix their tears with my vodka! I also found out that this was being filmed in NO while I was

They gotta save America from the coloreds, the muzzies, the queers etc.

During the heydey of rock, people with Jada’s build were specifically recruited to engage in such activites. LEO were too busy looking for BM, about 6 ft tall etc etc. It took a while for LEO to catch on but a 5ft 100 lbs woman could ride up and down I-75 and I-94 with “packages” all day. Jada is using media language

What in the false equivalency hell?? Police are a protected class now??

Get off my lawn Stephen.

Fire this asshole!

Stories like this make me think that Black people are living in the Truman show. I break the 4th wall in my office and say “is this for real?”

Prayer because he didn’t get his #2 combo with a diet Coke©.

The grays are absolutely horrible. People are doing a Hugh Hefner false equivalent. *GAG* Barry Hankerson is a POS and he could have put a stop this LONG AGO.

Its Shakira. The sculptor was watching the “Beautiful Liar” video and got confused.

I think the Elephant party and the Donkey party really really don’t get this. Elephants think we are all baby poppin, welfare suckin, dope heads and donkeys think we are ample bosom having, church going, good meal cookin mammies. Sometimes I conjure an all Black Themyscira to keep from going insane. LOL