
I admire runners because I know that’s some hard work. Congratulations on completing your marathon races!

Congratulations on reaching your goal! When it comes to fat-shaming a black woman/women, I’m noticing a new method: concern-trolling under the disguise of “Pro-Black Empowerment”/Hotepery fuckshit. A lot of the times, it sounds (to me) like: “Black women (cos, it’s never about Black men and their weight gain)... Lose

Not enough.


You forgot “Tonk” and “Bid Whist” (if your family is old as hell).....but otherwise, this list is legit.

Her fake ass friends are the biggest thing I took away from this. Malia needs to talk to her little. There is no doubt in my mind that sacha be runnin in these streets, but her shit stays on lock, cause she has real friends.

A bad decision bukkake...

Part of the issue is that you’re in Pittsburgh. I’m a white woman from Pittsburgh and a true explanation of my family of my family takes three hours, two whiteboards, and at least half a bottle of vodka.

You know what sucks? Meeting a cute guy and having your mother tell you that’s your cousin somewhere down the line as soon as she quizzed him about who his people are. Thank God we were too young to do grown folk “stuff” or I’d still be in therapy now.

If I had a white glove, I’d slap you across the face with it and demand satisfaction.  

I will star this post out of hometown solidarity, but I must add:

I think the “2b”in the tweet was “to be”to save room, not a reference to curl gradient.

Abortions are safe. Abortions are safe. Abortions are safe. Abortions are safe. Abortions are safe. Abortions are safe. Abortions are safe. Abortions are safe.

Freddie apparently just magically caused his own spinal injury that led to his death after a bad faith arrest over a pocket knife.

“Myyyyyyyy arms are open wiiiide...”

Colin Kaepernick gets a job in the NFL before that happens.