
My heart!


Goodness I am a heathen. They all sound the same to me.

LOL Imma old so this makes me happy.

First lesson as a Black man in American. Sometimes it be your own folk.

Well that was pretty stupid.

I like the people in the greys who don’t get the sarcasm.

UGH disgusting. . .I am jumping to conclusions about his relationship with his wife now (who is 36 years his junior).


Thanks for the star. Renaissance is cool with me, some of my best friends are Phoenix . I dont even get into that rivalry (beside we have to stick together against Cranbrook and Country day)

#Detroit #CassTech

I feel the joy from your keyboard. Congratulations!

I call ya baby when Im lonelllyyy

I’d been taught that music was reserved for worship to God. Anything “secular” made me feel dirty, apostatic.

I’m just waiting for all the free speech bros to vehemently fight for Juli like they fight for law enforcement officers and the like posting confederate flags and things like this:

Gotdamnit Dauntarius,

He named himself after a heel in the old school WWF. I am sure that will be beef. I havent checked Twitter yet.

What I read in your comments is that sense of entitlement/ privilege that cis hetero men feel they have. That makes me upset but I’m trying not to flame you.

I am so sorry you went through this. Ugh reading this makes me cringe.

Hmmm I think we know the same people. LOL