I dont care. he is still a jackleg preacher scamming people out of their money. He can go straight to hell
This is all bad. Black Officer & White Woman killed. No Body cams SMH.
I will play with the trolls. Uh yeah I am prejudiced. I am working on it sometimes. I am not goofy enough to pretend that I dont prejudge white people but it doesn’t hurt them one fucking bit. They dont even know I exist unlike me denied a mortgage for unknown reasons (wanna see the letter) STFU.
I think we should have a battle royal between him and Rachel whatsherface.
LOL Its funny when people dont know they difference between prejudice and racism. Unless The Root is keeping non - Black people from getting jobs, living where they want or getting a quality education ARE YOU THE ROOT??!!!
After she stole from him. you have a right to defend your property.
See what I mean. This is why you stay in the grays. YOU DO NOT GET TO TELL THE OPPRESSED PARTY WHAT OPPRESSION IS. But since you are going to school me, explain the brown eyes and redlips.
Stealing this YOINK!
There is always a troll in the grays yammering about what is white privilege because they are white but they grew up poor and nothing was everything handed to them they worked hard blah blah blah.’ White privilege is not always TANGIBLE (which is telling in and of itself but I digress). This quote above is WHITE…
So essentially this POS doctor calls his patients out of their names behind closed doors and then had a Freudian slip. Folks wonder why we (Black people) don’t trust the medical field. Even worse, this is allegedly benign anti Blackness.
“Senior Editor. You just typed all of that to only get blocked & dismissed and no one even saw it. Good day”
This me and my fam!
Y’all gotta help me I tend to be very literal:
I’m biting my tongue so hard right now. I wonder if he was the “cool Black guy” in the crew.
So these dudes threatened a LEO, resisted arrest and got taken in alive?
I appreciate you. I got blocked from his various facebook pages for asking all these questions. He can go straight to hell. AGAIN he is a preacher of the jack leg variety just wrapped in Kente and half assed Yoruba.
I am waiting on that call. *sigh* Addiction is a bastard
You’re either a syncophant or Jermaine himself. Crabs do not belong in a barrel and the Willie Lynch letter has been refuted so I already know YOU’RE NEWLY WOKE and infatuated. He is not intelligent, he is regurgitating information that actual scholars have been sharing with us for YEARS. He is a huckster wrapped in…