
HELP ME understand why is it anyone elses business besides the people involved re: Abortion, marriage? The people I know that have had abortions paid for it OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKETS and the non-cis non-hetero people that I know that want to get married asked for money because weddings are expensive (honey moon and

I miss Gawker.

I admire Keith Ellison but its not going to happen. He is Black and actually practices Islam. you knowe everything that President Obama has been accused of for the past 8 years. Naahh

Oh fuck you pal! You will not pin this on Black people We re 13% of this country THATS IT....look squarely at white people. GO STRAIGHT TO HELL WITH THAT BULLSHIT

I took this election as the white women will take their chances with sexism if it means upholding white supremacy. In my mind its they are willing to be groped in the name of white supremacy. If it means white staying on top then grab that pussy, cut off their reproductive rights and they will be happy to be at


I’m really cynical because my reliable blue state has turned purple. Outside of the urban centers and” librul” areas (Ann Arbor etc) there are quite a few disaffected white folks who hate progressiveness. There is a good chance Michigan may go to Trump. They blame “other folks” for the auto industry leaving, they are

We have the same grandma!

Who are these people that think all Black folks wear our hair in huge Afros ? Who are these people that think using Black face is honoring us? I am befuddled.

This one gets me everytime. HA Take that Take that(© Puffy) racists.

Blue Lives matter, right guise?

Ancient Greek god of petty.

I enjoyed reading these things. They were so overtop. Westboro in 2-D.

I can’t do this anymore. Why are people so fucking terrible??


But what about 976 lines LOL?

I choked on a Tic-Tac (IRL). But rest assured I don’t go kissing people without permission.

This is some bullshit, America. This is awful. May they find solace.

WHAT THE @#$!%#$

Did I type this?? Oh wait this was this year going to New Orleans. The worst part was it was another Black lady giving me the treatment.