Smells like this
Smells like this
I don’t even know if you all understand how Dr. Carson was lauded in the Black community especially here in Detroit. I mean the quintessential “ghetto child overcomes___________ and you can do it too!” and now this...*starts a campaign to change name of high school*
WTF WTF WTF If I see 2016 on the street Im gonna whoop its ass!
My entire body just sank in despair/disbelief/rage reading that tweet.
Is he really implying that consent is a vast left wing conspiracy?? *throws up*
She is gorgeous. I hope gele ,duku etc doesnt go mainstream.
As we were watching this, my spouse and I just kept nodding. More people need to see this especially those who call BLM a terrorist group or wonder why folks “riot” and destroy their “own” neighborhoods etc. *sigh*
Hurt my soul because that sentiment is shared widely.
Trump is going to win isn’t he?
As a life long resident of said city, we did learn the history of our name. le Détroit du lac Érie
“So obviously you don’t want to feel like you have to throw in a token black person when you’re talking about a small little white town in Oklahoma or whatever. That’s not speaking to truth, that’s not speaking to reality. I just don’t want to perpetuate falseness. And falseness for a long time was having only…
Um didnt she win? I think she did what she was supposed to do.
Okay United States this has gone on long enough. . .why are we being punked? Where is Ashton Kutcher?
I said this.
Aaron McGruder implied as much:
EWWW UGGHH OMG..What is this??