
For leftovers you intend to box yourself at the table, you can already do it. We bought a few multi-compartment bento-style boxes at IKEA and they’re just about perfect for two entrees that we’ve each eaten half of. The trick is remembering to put the boxes back in the car after they come out of the dishwasher, but

This is for not-partially-eaten “takeout” orders, not leftovers.

It’s literally the same pudgy guy.

My hot take: I’d be fine paying the higher ticket price. They explained why they’re doing it, and I honestly don’t disagree with their logic. I’m happy to put my money where my mouth is, and if that gets to subsidize the admission fee of someone who hasn’t had the advantages I’ve had, then GOOD.

The bonus is that it

Oh, is there anything that Jonathan Gold wasn’t wrong about?

Here’s how you flip them all at once:

Put an upside-down dinner plate into or over the pan over the potatoes. Holding the plate down with your fingers, invert both pan and plate together. Lift off the pan and put it back on the stove. Slide the whole disc of potatoes off the plate into the pan.

Another tip: a little

With the arguable exception of Polly-O, which on the west coast is a bit of a challenge to find, most American mozzarella is kind of lacking in flavor, even the whole-milk varieties. 

But I’m gonna let you in on a little secret: queso Oaxaca — Mexican string cheese — works great on pizza.

you’ll need to provide ... two proofs of residency (like a utility bill and a bank statement)

The color hardbacks are larger than the black-and-white originals and contain interesting supplementary material. They’re handsome books. The softcover “color collection box set” isn’t being released until July. Presumably it will be the same material as the color hardbacks.

If you have the B/W originals, I’d wait

The color hardbacks are larger than the black-and-white originals and contain interesting supplementary material.

Presumably the system would be overseen by a computer that determines that the connection has been correctly engaged and locked down, and that the user’s credit card is pre-authorized, before allowing current to flow through the charger contacts.

Melt the butter. Pour it into an empty large metal mixing bowl and swirl around to coat the whole inside of the bowl. Put the popcorn in and flip it up in the air a few times so the butter on the bowl transfers gradually to all the kernels of corn. This also works with anything you need to evenly distribute a small

Jaguar to be put in witness protection program, renamed “Caifane.”

The panther is like a leopard,
Except it hasn’t been peppered.
Should you behold a panther crouch,
Prepare to say Ouch.
Better yet, if called by a panther,
Don’t anther.
— Ogden Nash

I read a lot of horrible things on the Internet, but this one really tore me up this morning. Could there be any detail that would make this worse? Arrgh. People.

Wait. Why Do I Need to Wash Towels? I Only Use Them When I’m Clean!

Wait. Why Do I Need to Wash Towels? I Only Use Them When I’m Clean!

A lot of people worked very hard to turn that statehouse blue and this idea that their hard work gets nullified by woke Twitter is disrespectful to them.

It’s good with gin.

Fuck Stummies.

He seems familiar.