
Is anyone else disappointed that the music they seem to play on these instruments is so woefully unadventurous?

All the best Tchaikovsky does, though personally, I’d like to see someone dance through Bach’s Fourteen Goldberg Cannons without touching the ground.

It’s “Adventure Time” for people who hate kids.

(a) It sets a precedent. You think this is the only time the Feds are gonna want to look in a locked phone?

Highland Park, LA

You’d have no trouble getting back to the surface in the event the tunnel stay and end points were blocked

This is exactly the issue I keep bringing up about the so-called 710 completion tunnel, which would be 6.3 miles between entrance and exit. As soon as it’s built, it becomes the West Coast’s most attractive target for a terrorist attack. Wreck a couple cars at each end, then everyone’s trapped with no practical path

Another thing you might try: put a graduated container on the scale, zero it out, add 7.5 ml of water (1 ml of water weighs, nominally, 1 gram), and then pile up hops alongside until the display tips over from 0.009 kg to 0.010 kg.

That Oxo kitchen scale is great. The display is bright and pulls out so you can use it under big things like boxes you’re planning to mail. And the steel top pops off so you can wash it when it’s dirty. I use it for a lot more things than I ever thought I would.

Kevin is the next person in line, and he gets progressively more hysterical over their incompetence. “He has a bomb! He has a bomb!”

They arrest him for saying “bomb.”

Thank you. Even if the microphones are fabulous Neumann U87’s, there’s a typically lot of wiring between them and the head on the mastering deck (or cutting lathe, or DAC or whatever) that’s pretty lightweight.

Side note: one of the aspects of Deutsche Grammophon’s “4D” classical music recording system attempted to

Didn’t see anyone mention this one yet: Tati’s Playtime

The director built an entire goddamn city, with bespoke buildings and roads, on the outskirts of Paris. (Note that some of the farther-away buildings in the shot above are actually facades, on wheels so they could be rearranged in the distance of every exterior

This one is more like a dog leaving a perfectly formed turd, as though its anus had been prosthetically replaced by the Play-Doh Fuzzy Pumper Barber Shop.

They’re the Mike Curb Concretation Congregation.

I see that this device is generating a tremendous amount of enthusiasm.

For some reason I keep thinking “pie crust.”

Thanks. I enjoyed that a lot more than the skin-a-deer thing.

You’re right. When TDS first started, Kilborn was brain-scrapingly annoying, like a fraternity-grade Dennis Miller. But about a year in, he (or his writers’ room) managed to outgrow that whole shtick, and it became a smart, calm, incisive show.

I don’t remember how I felt when Stewart came in, but I think Noah is a