
Came for this.

Questions like these always seem to presuppose that there’s something special or unique about “western popular music” that science can apply some sort of metric to and determine a property of “optimal” or “best.”

Common “rubbing alcohol” is most definitely NOT ethanol. It is isopropanol. 

sudo make me a sandwich

Vegetarian here. Two notes:

and I’m the editor of National Review Online.

It started when some guy was trying to paint a swastika on the tip while the motor was still running.

You think the “suck zone” is big — you should see the size of the “friend zone” around those babies.

They’re stupib, but they’re belicious.

“Hey Bill, why is there a tiger up here?”
“I don’t know, Ray, but I’m not gonna stick around to find out.”

the place has been overrun by hundreds of belligerent and potentially radioactive wild boars

You’ll send your film cartridges for Kodak and tell them what speed you want it processed. They’ll digitize it

it happened to be exactly 50% who got their flu shot and still got the flu

Also, primitive man probably didn’t consider it that unusual that some significant percentage of his offspring (most?) wouldn’t survive childhood.

or a Jonathan Tunick.

Back in the day, of course, the best film composers did their own. The scores of Bernard Herrmann, to pick an obvious example, sometimes feel like they’re carried more by the “orchestration” than the “composition” — if it’s four alto flutes, two harps, eight violins, and solo cello, then it almost

Does he even do his own orchestrations at this point? I was under the impression he only ever does a short score (three or four staves with general indications like “low brass” or “strings pizz.”) and then professional assistant comes in and fleshes it out to a 40-stave fullscore while JW moves onto the next project.


The chef calls the ratatouille “Basil” because he puts quite a lot of basil in it.

This was funny, but I was mildly irritated by the music-typography errors (e.g. the bass clef and its dots should surround the second line, not the space below it, the portamento line between “trombone” notes should not touch the note heads, horizontal alignment of the dynamic marks).

Also, recorders aren’t

So the buttons I’ll use about twice a year (for setting the time) are nine times the size of the buttons I’ll use most frequently (for setting the alarm). Brilliant.

And I assume grabbing the clock in the wrong way will inadvertently engage one of those time-setting buttons.

Okay, smart guy. Now let’s see you do a fitted bedsheet.