Unabomer couldn’t tackle for shit.
Unabomer couldn’t tackle for shit.
Sounds about right.
like this comment if you want to see a Kotaku Dot Com Chop Championship Tournament streamed live on YouTube next week
Chris Berman can’t be racist. Some of his best friends are Tom Jackson.
“You’re with me, black leather.”
Known fact: eagles only feed once every 20 years.
I always preferred The Pillsbury Throwboy.
The format (including increasing the number of dunkers), rules, and program all need consideration. The single thing that I think would help is to get rid of the gimmicks. No props, costumes, assistants or alternations to equipment. Dee Brown’s pump was cute but didn’t stop the entire event. Ceballos’ blindfold was…
Totally ridiculous.
I was thinking they look like the gloves Lloyd Christmas wore with his western get up in Dumb and Dumber.
But he hits the nail on the head with this quote:
ESPN should not be catering to the coaches based on any media alliance, but the fact that the unsubstantiated opinion of a player’s parent merits the type of attention, or any attention at all, from ESPN is the driving force from his criticism. If We’re putting so much emphasis on Lavar Ball why aren’t any other much…
oh shiiiiiiit, kareem. are you a tutor or some shit?
They made that movie more than twenty years ago.
I don’t understand the fuss. Everyone they hire is a Brown.
I prefer this approach.
I nominate the rubber chicken version of Despacito for Song of the Year:
They really don’t deserve those nice beaches... but to be fair, they are home to the greatest call-in sports-show caller on the planet.