Andy's Partridge

Ray Lewis: “These athletes in today’s game, they’re killing the joy in its name and walking away with no shame!!!!”

I know you guys hate this shit as much as we do, but can you please tell your bosses to go fuck themselves for the ridiculous amount of ads all over the place?

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

I saw them open for the Sex Pistols once. Afterwards, Pearl Jam came on the stage as a surprise act.

But that process of deep moral reckoning involves coming to terms honestly with the terrible things you have done

During the stoppage, Mokhtari asked the Nancy players to instruct the fans to stop.

Weird. That’s exactly how I fielded every ball in Little League and I could never catch one.

“Sure, we could have demanded he pay us the money back. But that didn’t feel like the right thing to do. Andrew was more than just our quarterback, he was the person we rallied around after we let Peyton Manning go He brought us together: our present, our future and our glorious past. From our point of view, he helped

This one is easy: Treating servers\retail people\delivery people...anybody who serves the personal servants to be insulted and abused. I don’t care how nice you may be to me. If you can’t treat another human being who is doing an often thankless job with common decency, that to me signals a serious

Even under those conditions, Nixon still would’ve been a far better president than Trump can ever hope to be. 

Look at these lightweights.  Only frisbee dog can handle the dank buds.

Your an idiot - Why, never in the Earth’s six-thousand-year history has there ever been a comment so dumb!

yes....yes it doezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

In their defense, the men’s team actually...oh sorry, I forgot, the men’s team has no defense.

This is true for the majority of middle class white people with investments, dont need to be millionaires 

Mercedes, 1939: “While we disagree with the Fuhrer’s racial rhetoric, we support him on other things, like the Autobahn.  It’s possible to support someone without agreeing on all policies.”

I hate to disagree with any theory that suggests that a portion of the population is does explain so much, but I must take exception to your suggestion that they cannot be unaware.

Don’t blame the drunk golfer. Blame Gary in 23C for yelling “GET IN THE HOLE!!” for four hours.

Where the fuck is Omar when we really need him?  That’s what I want to know.  Somebody needs to get got.