Andy's Partridge

Yeah, people who intentionally prolong the handwashing-to-motzi interval are really testing the assertion that we don’t have a hell. 

This one time I took a profitable sports blog, told it to completely change its already successful column subject writing strategy and managed to fire the editor in charge leading to all the writers quitting in solidarity, leaving it as a shell, and then banning all comments because I was afraid of criticism. What a

Fun fact, this is a selfie Randy took using his right arm.

That pass was blinder than a Hong Kong protestor shot in the eyes by the Chinese government.

There was an old saying about the Braves and their pitching staff whenever the playoffs rolled around in the 90's.

There is no apartheid in Israel. Israel is acwonderful free, democratic and egalitarian country.

China is too big to bully and nobody cares about Muslims in popular media unless they can blame Jews.  Israel on the other hand is everyone's favorite punching bag.

This was epic. Max is the man for pitching with so much emotion and competing his ass off every single time he takes the mound. His give-a-shit meter is off the charts. We’re so lucky to have this dude in our lives.

China: [fires Rockets]

Come on, that’s not a fair comparisons and you know it. Snoop’s dancers get paid.

now that's a Self own

They would be expected to post three “news videos” per day to their site—they were to wear Maven polo shirts in these videos—as well as hundreds of posts per month. The message was clear: Quantity over quality. Prospective Maven “partners” were told by company execs that if they had trouble creating enough content,

kamikaze mission straight into the side of schmuck mountain

Also, Giulani should be encouraged to make as many media appearances as humanly possible. Right now, he’s the Dems’ greatest asset. 

Nats fan here, and I got the exact result I wanted. Nats win, Harper shows up Strickland... yeah, that works. Harper is Harper, and it was great having him here. Glad he got our asshole pitcher.

SoCo tells BoJo his plan is a NoGo.

A plastic bag of styrofoam cups is also Alex Smith’s new tibia.

Man City has been working on this level of dominance for now three years running and it’s a result of hiring the best manager in the world and splashing cash to build a super-squad which, by the way, is still mighty short of CBs that could be considered world-class at the moment. Liverpool took longer but they have

He didn’t hate her per se, he just refused to accept that someone could be more Cokie than him.