Andy's Partridge

For us Olds it brings back memories of the cries of “Wingo! Wingo! Wingo!” which echoed periodically through MSG in the early ‘70's.

Originally it was two parallel concrete tracks. My buds and I from NJ started going when it opened in 1978 with the Alpine Side as the sole attraction. You’d ride up the mountain on the chair lift (ideal for sharing a pre-plummet doobie) and get in line at the top. The objective was to go as fast as possible without

May have been because he was a man of few words. Legend has it that at a White House formal affair, a DC dowager approached Coolidge:

Back before electronic locks in cars, I had the inviolable “reach-over” litmus test. After unlocking the passenger door to let my date into my car, I’d naturally walk over to the driver’s side to get in, which would also require a manual unlocking of the door. If my date didn’t “reach over” to unlock my door during

It’s referring to the tendency of the first in a batch of home-made pancakes to come out irregular in shape or consistency, while the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. achieve a uniform, more edible appearance.

I remember going to Shea in ‘85 and ‘86 to see Doc matched up against contemporary aces like Mario Soto and John Tudor. Seen in person from the 3rd base side of the diamond, his fastball was a blur, and Uncle Charlie rolled off the table - the buzz in the stadium was palpable when he pitched.

Dressed fish sticks????

A friend of mine had one of the canary yellow models. It was hot as hell to ride in during the summer. Notice the vent windows up front? They were non-functional, so all you could do to cool the interior was you roll down the main windows while driving (no AC in ‘74.)
Problem was, due to the body design, all you felt

I was one of those 1-800 call-in grief counselors. As an entry-level ABC employee at the time in the “Audience Information” department, answering viewer calls and letters/postcards, I worked the phones the night of the broadcast.

the afore-mentioned young, aggressive and liberal base. They don’t watch much television”...

Also, check out the Bodega Boys this day!

Spy was a must-read during that era, with an over-riding mission to afflict the comfortable. While “short-fingered vulgarian” is their longest lived epithet, honorable mention should go to “billionaire dwarf” Lawrence Tisch, the former co-owner of the NY Giants.

In fact, according to a 2010 Wall Street Journal study of four football broadcasts, the ball was only in play for an average of 10 minutes and 43 seconds — approximately 4 seconds per play — even though an NFL telecast lasts about three hours...” according to the Google machine.

Thanks for the ‘Mats video - didn’t know they made one for I’ll Be You, and glad to see the boys were as serious about the integrity of the medium as was their wont.

Why not - he’s a pretty head-strong guy.

PF Flyers

At the very least, Gillette has got us talking. But what’s really telling is how adverse some men are—not only to the ad, but to doing that aforementioned work”

I think this squares the circle of evangelicals reconciling their faith with the spewing of our Feckless Leader

Ahh beef tongue - the only food that tastes you back! (My top dad-joke for getting a disgusted “eeewwww” out of my daughters.)

...and check out MLW Fusion on beIN SPORTS every Friday night (shameless plug...)