Andy's Partridge

I don’t disagree that this likely was not an innocent mistake. They probably hired some IT or design person who didn’t adhere to their ‘philosophy’ but wanted the money, and that person took the opportunity to fuck with Trump in a way that is subtle and yet obvious. And to that person I say, Well done!! 

BL didn’t need dipsticks at all.  If it ever stopped leaking, you needed to add oil.

Marco Asensio’s Knee Is The Latest Casualty Of

I hope the treatment helps save his life, make him healthy again, and cure his addiction to driving.

Your comment reminds me of my favorite scene from In Bruges;

Now playing

A little better quality, at least on my computer:

Toussaint L’Outtahere

My parents visited Denver from the south and like to talk about how they “love” Mexican because a couple times a month they’ll go to a white-bread place down there where Cholula is far too spicy for the clientele. First it took an endless ordeal to convince them not to go to Casa Bonita even though their friends swore

There’s already a moat there. It’s called the Rio Grande. 

Stick to sports.

Be a shame if people crept onto the course at night at shat in the holes on the greens. 

Wow. A triumph of the reply.

You know what movie is great, Leni Riefenstahl’s Olympia. Now there’s a director who could stick to sports.

I guess the criminalization of blackness is now complete; and every black male is a criminal, every white man a saint.

They were unapologetically American. Brash and confident. They came in as the favorite and they didn’t try to downplay that fact with an “Aww shucks we’re just happy to be here and we’re gonna try real hard.” attitude. They owned that and then danced on the graves of anybody who dared doubt them. And it was fucking

Here’s the problem:

I hope she gets traded to Portland so that every Thorn has its Rose.

Eric Thames showing off a level of agility and grace normally seen from a beer league softball pitcher with double knee braces.

At some point, there is no amount of money that can justify being a shell of your former self on a national stage.

“Oh, yeah? Watch this!” - Miguel Cabrera